Hwanwoong As Your Boyfriend

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Yo! If you guys see my other book y'all can see that I just uploaded a new chapter yesterday. I was listening to Hyunjoon (Hwall) Baragi. Go listen to this precious masterpiece if you haven't. He's so precious. I miss him.

Anyway did you guys see ONEUS new teaser?! They're freakin amazing! Let me get this straight... We need to work hard for them to win. Anyway let's proceed to the uh.... Whatever it is called...

Hwanwoong As Your Boyfriend

× When y'all are watching horror movies together, he might the psycho one than the original character lol

× He might be short but who cares. Both of you are short anyway... So y'all were called as the shortie cp

(Sorry for to moons who are tall and small. Didn't mean to hurt y'all heart)

× He would kill someone who making his baby cry or sad

× Randomly expressed his love to you in random way (like dancing, singing and stuff)

× He might be scary when he's angry each time both of you argue which lead y'all to stay away from each other for some times

× but he would quickly apologize to you even tho you're the one who wrong. He just don't wanna see you sad because of your stupid arguements

× The members would teasing make both of you shy and stuff... But they quickly surrender after seeing Hwanwoong scary glare. (Because he afraid that you would feel uncomfortable)

× He's kinda protective toward you but not overprotective cuz he knows that every people needs their freedom. But good luck on dealing with a jealous Hwanwoong ;)

×  Just so even he's jealous, he trust you with all of his heart. He just love you so much until he's afraid if you cheating on him.

× He often questioning himself if he's good boyfriend to you. Which in one point making you worried about him. He just wanna cuddle with you when he's being insecure.

I hope y'all enjoying this. Love y'all folks ❤️

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