XION As Your Boyfriend

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Sorry for inactive y'all 😔✌️ I'm busy these days and plus I'm getting depressed lately. It's hard when problems keep going. I feel like myself is getting busy with ...uhhh stuff...

I don't think I have a lots of time for Wattpad plus the newest update that "only 25 books allowed to be offline in your library"  I only have just 1 word to say "bullshit"

Anyway enjoy this chapter 😀 hope this can get you smile even not that's okay.


✓ Once you have this guy as your boyfriend, you can't escape the war he created... More like plushies war

✓ Matching clothes and accessories is something he like.

✓ Disney store? Disneyland? Amusement park? He's up for that. Especially if it's about Disney

✓ When you're hurting or sad or sick... He wants to make you feel better but he couldn't figure any way to do it. So he'll ask his hyung or your brother.

✓ Movie night, drama marathon is something he would like to do with you when the both of you have some times.

✓ Most likely having study dates, sneaking kisses in the class, holding hands and getting detention together.

✓ When you guys are stuck in the house together because of quarantine, he'll make it the best months in your whole life.

✓ He might started a YouTube channel about the both of you sweet life vlog, gossiping about stuff, dissing people who hate the both of you together

✓ If you living with Xion together in one house. You might will get hugged by a sleepy Xion once he woke up.

(Idk if you guys understand but it's like he's waking up but still sleepy and he looked for you then hugs you. Kinda like that)

✓ Did I mentioned how much he would say 'i love you' to you? No? Aight... He could repeat that word like a cassette tape over and over again without getting bored and tired. Yup! That's how much he loves you

I feel so single omg.

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