MTL: Will let you continue your sleep

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Aight! Your author-nim, Blu is here. Yep I know what are you thinking "tf she's alive?!" That's right, mooney I'm still alive. Just quarantine for days maybe months didn't gave me ideas much.

Starting for this day 12 April I'll make 'MOST TO LEAST' series. But don't worry I'll kept on making their reaction with stories it just my frikin a bowl of ideas kept on disappearing. ._. I need help.

I making MTL series cuz they're much easier to make.

Let get started!





Ravn and Seoho gave me their parental energy. I mean they're already the parents in ONEUS. So I'm thinking that if you said you wanted 5 more minutes of sleep I'm guarantee that they'll let you continue your sleep.

Leedo and Hwanwoong. I put them in the middle cuz I think that they'll consider your request on sleeping longer. I mean with they'll be like 'if that could make you happy then okay'

Keonhee and Xion . Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... I'm super sure these kids wouldn't let you did that. I have a feeling that they'll pull off your blanket, attack you with plushies, splash you with a bucket of ice water till you awake. (Torturing much? I feel you) but idk what they'll actually do. They kinda look like some mischievous type of boys.

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