Their reaction : someone saying bad things about your relationship

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In this one imagine that you're an idol or anything [actress,model, etc.] Wait I'm getting scared... What if some idol who good at english read this?

🥞 Ravn 🥞

× he is otw to your shared apartment using train (train to Busan, jk)
× he overheard about someone talking bad about your relationship with him.
× I swear to god that he almost kill that someone but he managed to keep his cool
× after he arrived to the apartment, he complains and whining about the things he heard.

🌟 Seoho 🌟

∆ this time Seoho heard about this is in rtk (someone don't attack me our boys doesn't hate each other, just imagine okay)
∆ but he heard this from the staff or anyone you want
∆ he would try to calm down until the people said something really bad
∆ he would snap like
"can you please talk badly about me and my girlfriend relationship somewhere else? It's actually quite rude talking like that Infront the person that involves"

🎉 Leedo 🎉

~ just being simple I think he could just snap that person neck immediately
~ but once he heard something terrible yet the most terrible things from the media, people, his fans that hates you...he would try and protect you from them
~ You might cry because of the hates and negative feedback stuff but remember he'll always be there
~ you might be less cheerful but he'll be there to turn you back into one so don't you worry cuz you have him, the members, some of his fans that likes you and me to support you.

( Hey I'm serious I'll be there for you guys so feel free to tell your problems with me cuz I'm all ears. You can pm me to talk privately)

💮 Keonhee 💮

# If he ever overheard or read something bad about you and him being together... He would just be quiet about it
# until it comes to his breaking point he would just cry somewhere you can't find him
# he would also think about breaking up with you cuz he doesn't want you to be hurt because of him
# once he told you he wants to break up.. you would instantly cry (sobbing, etc.)
# "I'm sorry, I don't want to break up too... I just want you to be happy with me. I can't risk your happiness, y/n"
# " Keonhee, I don't care what the heck people say! I only can be happy with you. So please don't leave me"

(Wow who knows I could make a drama... Maybe I should be a script writer... Wait.. how much [money]  does a script writer can make?)

🌕 Hwanwoong 🌕

° There's no doubt that Hwanwoong would keep his cool about this
° he would just straight of sewing that person mouth because of how foul it was
° Don't ever underestimate this short guy (hwanwoong is my bias tho) cuz with single snap he could ruin your life.
° in short word never let him know that someone talk about how bad his relationship with you cuz he can't stand it.

🥺 Xion 🥺

> This baby already crying his heart out
> The words that people saying is getting on his head. He's sad
> No matter how much he's trying to keep being your best boy... He'll break down each time
> You would be like 'baby why are you crying?'
> My oh my both of you would just cuddle and chill and eating ice creams.

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