Chapter 1

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I wanted to let everyone know that this story follows some basic plot lines, but I have changed things around quite a lot, so don't be alarmed when things don't go as in the movie okay? <3

I woke up disoriented. My head was pounding, and my mouth felt like cotton. What happened last night? Did they win?

"Lady Kathrine, time to get up Miss."

I opened my eyes completely. It was bright in the room, and the canopy bed I was sleeping in looked expensive. Where was I? And why were they calling me by my middle name? I looked over at who was speaking, and she looked like... a maid? What was a maid doing in my room? I took another quick look around and thought whose room is this anyway?

I was confused, and I said, "Why... are you in here?"

She looked a bit alarmed but said, "Miss Katherine, your mother and your fiancé are downstairs waiting for you to get ready."

I was freaking out inside. Mother? Fiancé? I hadn't had a mother for a long time, and I was never engaged. I feel like I would remember that. I shook my head, and said, "Oh... all right."

I got up and she quickly got me dressed. I was in a corset! A fucking corset? What time period was this? The dress looked old. Like from the early 19th century. And expensive... very expensive.

Once I was dressed, I halted the maid and said, "Um... can you tell me the date?"

She nodded and said, "Its April 10th, Miss."

I nodded and said, "This is going to sound ridiculous, but... what year?"

She looked alarmed and said, "1912 Miss... are you sure you're alright?"

I gasped and felt light-headed. Why was I close to 100 years in the past? What was happening? The maid patted my back gently and said softly, "Miss... please, tell me how I can help."

I felt tears sting in the back of my eyes and said, "I... I don't think you can." I sniffed and got myself together. I looked around the room for a mirror and felt some relief. I still looked like me. I had long black hair and bright green eyes. My freckles were still on my nose and cheeks, and my lips were still red.

I thought about the last thing I remember. I remember... walking to my death into the Forbidden Forest. Voldemort had used the killing curse on me. I then looked around frantically and couldn't find my wand. Where was it? Was I... no longer a witch?

I looked at the maid and said, "I... can you give me a few minutes?" She nodded, still looking concerned, and I sighed. I looked over at a broach that was sitting on the cabinet across the room and thought accio broach! With a whoosh it came into my hand. I cried for real this time! I still had my magic! But how could I use it well without a wand?

I felt my resolve harden and said out loud softly, "I'll just have to train myself to use my magic without it... after all. Magic is intent. If I have enough will... anything is possible." Including somehow magically transporting myself back in time and having a family again. A morbid thought broke through. What if my body was still in that forest?

I shook off that thought quickly, and then I finally stepped out of the room, the maid waiting patiently, and I smiled at her, "I am fine now. Thank you for waiting. Let's go."

I was more than surprised when I went downstairs to meet my family. I would have liked to have felt something for them other than blank nothingness, but then I would be lying. I discreetly looked at my hand, my scar of I must not tell lies still there. So, this was my real body as well. How did these people know me? I looked at my 'mother' and all I felt was bewilderment. We looked nothing alike. Her red hair and blue eyes were nothing to my black and green. We didn't even have the same bone structure. Perhaps I had gotten my looks from my 'father'?

I then turned toward my 'fiancé' and I almost cringed. He just oozed Malfoy vibes, and I took an instant dislike. No way was I marrying this greasy git. I would rot in hell with Voldemort before I ever took that plunge.

I looked away and gave my mother a fake smile, "Good morning."

She huffed and said, "It's barely morning anymore. If you were any later, you would have had to miss breakfast. It's almost time to board."

I wanted to ask, board what? I didn't, and just sat quietly eating my food, mimicking what Uncle Sirius had taught me about high class society. I had yet to say anything to the other fool in the room, and since he didn't give me the courtesy of a hello, I took that as if he did not truly care. How was this my family? I missed Sirius. Ron. Hermione. Even Kreacher would be better at this point.

It was half an hour later and I still had no recollection of who these people were. How did they know me? Where were we going? We got into the car and headed toward the docks. I was still confused, and it wasn't until we arrived that I paled. The Titanic. I had seen pictures in primary before Hogwarts and I knew that this was the one that sank. I was sure of it. It was completely famous.

Cal, whom I now know the name of the supposed fool, looked impressed and said, "Look at her! It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious. It has squash courts, a Parisian cafe... even Turkish baths."

I ignored him and rolled my eyes. How was I going to get out of this? So many people died...I knew that my magic could hopefully save me... and it might give me a chance to get away from these people. Besides, I needed to find out if the magical community actually existed in this... world? Time? I honestly didn't know. It was at this moment I realized how truly alone I really was. No family. No friends. What was to happen when I finally left?

I just ignored him, and my mother (whom I'll refer to as Ruth in my head, since that's what Cal calls her), as we boarded to ship. It was a bit before I actually tuned into the conversation. Cal was talking, his arms spread wide, "Here I've pulled every string I could to book us on the grandest ship in history, in her most luxurious suites..." He then looked at me with a raised brow, "and you act as if you're going to your execution."

I just turned from him, not answering. Fuck this arse. Merlin, how was I going to get out of this? I didn't want to use magic on front of so many people. If only I could apparate...

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