Chapter 6

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He then took my hand in his and we walked quickly below deck, to the third class's general main room area. There were people everywhere, of all ages. A band was playing, and people were dancing, drinking, and just having a grand old time.

I was hit with a burst of nostalgia. This was just like a Gryffindor party. All my friends. What happened to them after I died? Were they able to defeat him? Were they even alive?

Jack saw my face and said, "Rose... are you okay?"

I mentally shook my head, getting rid of those thoughts and said, "This atmosphere just reminded me of something is all." I then smiled wide and said, "Let's have fun!"

Jack finally smiled back and took me over to Tommy and Fabrizio, who he introduces a girl named Helga. I sat down and watched Jack interact with a young girl. Tommy told me her name was Cora, and you could tell she adored Jack.

"You really like 'im, don't ya miss Rose?" I looked over at Tommy, who had spoken.

I then looked back at Jack dancing with Cora and smiled softly, "I do. He's a good man, our Jack."

Tommy laughed and said, "That he is." We were quiet for a few before he said, "Are you sure he's what ya want?"

I looked at Tommy. He looked so serious and I was glad that Jack had such loyal friends. I nodded and said, "I'm sure. I know what you must think of me, being from the rich side of the ship. And I would agree with you. Those people...they're such small people, Tommy. They think they're giants on earth, but they're not even dust in God's eye. The live inside this tiny little champagne bubble...and someday that bubble is going to burst."

Tommy looks stunned and said, "You really think that... don't ya lass?"

I nodded and said, "Those people up there... they're not my people... I just happen to be stuck with them."

Tommy smiled wide and gave me a soft pat on the head and said, "You're the only good one."

I laughed and swatted his hand off. Jack then came rushing over, and said with his hand out, "Wanna dance?"

I stood up and said, "I don't know the steps, but why not?"

I saw Jack look back over at the little girl and said, "You're still my best girl, Cora." He then pulled me closer and said, "We are going to have so much fun Rose."

I laughed and said, "We are!"

The music starts and Jack takes us off fast. We're a little awkward at first, but I was starting to remember the steps. Jack was a very skilled leader.

I grin at him and say, "Wait a minute!" I then stop and take off my heels with a satisfied sigh. I then throw them to Tommy who laughs at my relieved face, and took Jack's hand again, "Let's go!"

Everyone and everything are rowdy and rollicking. I notice tables gets knocked over as drunk people crash into them, but nothing matters as I dance with Jack. The steps are fast, and I know that I am covered in a thin sheen of sweat. It's hot in here, with all these people. A space opens around us, and people start watching, clapping as the band plays faster and faster.

The tune ends in a mad rush, and Jack steps away from me with a flourish, allowing me to take a bow as well. We finally move to a table, flushed and sweaty. I look over and see Fabrizio with Helga, and they look like they are having such a good time too.

Jack then turns to him and yells over the music, "How are you two doing?"

Fabrizio holds Helga closer and laughs, "I don't know what she say, she don't know what I say, so we get along fine."

I snorted and said, "Ah, the language of love! Congratulations!"

Jack pulls me a bit closer, and Tommy comes over with a pint of ale. I take mine in hand and chug it. This had nothing on Firewhisky. When I was done, I saw all their slack jaws and said, "You think a girl like me can't drink? This stuff has nothing on Firewhisky."

Jack looked intrigued and said, "What's Firewhiksy?"

I was torn, but I decided to answer truthfully, "Well, it's a type of whiskey, that when drunk, can make the drinker spit fire! It burns!"

Jack laughed and said, "Are you serious?"

I shrugged and said, "Who knows?"

Before Jack could say another word, a drunk man stumbles into Tommy, who had more drinks in his hand, and it spilled all over me. Jack looked upset, but I didn't care. I just shrugged and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it." I whispered, "Aer Calidus." I could see Jack's eyes go wide and look at me, then at my dry dress, with wonder.

Tommy looked back after yelling at the man and said, "Sorry about that Rose."

I laughed and said, "You barely got any on me, see?" Tommy looked relieved, and Jack held me tighter.

Suddenly, I felt him shift, and I heard his whisper in my ear, "And you say I'm one of a kind."

I could feel myself blush, but I held a smile and said, "I told you, I was different."

He huffed in amusement and said, "That you did, Rose. That you did."

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