Chapter 5

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We sat there for some time, relaxing in each other's presence. I finally said, "You know... my dream has always been pretty simple."

Jack looks intrigued and said, "And what dream would that be?"

I closed my eye and smiled into the sun, "Well. To not die for one." Which was a pipe dream, I knew. I already did. I could tell that this thought disturbed him. "My other dream was to have a family. My real mother and father died when I was a babe... and my other relatives were absolutely horrid. They called me freak and made my bedroom a cupboard under the stairs."

Jack sounded tense, "To be clear... not the mother you are traveling with, right?"

I opened my eyes and said, "No. Not the one on this ship. She honestly reminds me of my Aunt Petunia, though. Same personality. She was a shrew. Only cared about her image, money, and reputation."

Jack snorted and said, "She sounds lovely."

I laughed and said, "Yeah right... I don't even miss them. My relatives. Does that make me a bad person, do you think?"

Jack nodded and said, "I wouldn't either, the way you described them."

I smiled and said, "I figured...If I ever had my own family, I would shower them with all the love I was denied growing up." I then looked at him and tilted my head, "What was it like, growing up with your parents?"

He smiled and said, "I grew up in Wisconsin, near Chippewa Falls. My mother and father were good people. Honest. Hardworking. One time, my father took me ice fishing out on Lake Wissota... ice-fishing is where you chop a hole in the—"

I laughed and said, "Jack, I know what ice-fishing is. Although I've never done it."

He looked me up and down, and I could feel my body tingle under his eyes, and he said, "Sorry. Just... you look like kind of an indoor girl." I snorted, if only he knew I camped out for a year to hide from a madman, "Anyway, I went through some thin ice right as I caught a fish and I'm tellin' ya, that water was cold... it hits you like a thousand knives all over your body. You can't breathe, you can't think... least not about anything but the pain." He shuddered, "Anyway, my father fished me out and turns out I caught the fish. My mother cooked it for me, and I ate my first ice fish that same night." He then thought of something and snorted, "Sick as a dog the next day though."

I smiled softly and said, "They sound lovely, your parents. They must have loved you very much."

He nodded and said, "They did. They died in a fire when I was 15. I've been on my own ever since."

I winced and said, "I wish I could have known my parents. I was told I looked just like my father, but had my mother's eyes. They were murdered by a madman, who then tried to kill me." I then showed him my lightning scar on my forehead.

Jack looked frightened, "I might never have met you..."

I let my bangs fall back into my face and said, "Jack... I have to tell you something, but you're going to think me mad."

Before he could say anything else, I heard, "Katherine." I shut my eyes and sighed. I could feel Jack tense beside me.

I then stood up and turned around, noticing Jack did the same, almost touching me with his chest with how close he was. I looked at her and said flatly, "Mother."

I noticed Molly behind her, and she waggled her eyebrows toward Jack. I almost lost it, my lips twitching, before I looked back at Jack. He was looking at Ruth so seriously, and I knew it was because of our earlier conversation.

I murmured, "Don't worry." I then turned back around and said, "May I introduce you to Jack Dawson?"

She gave him a fake smile and said, "Charmed, I'm sure." She then narrowed her eyes at me and said, "We are heading to get ready for dinner. I expect you there Katherine. "

I barely resisted rolling my eyes, and Molly beamed and said, "Well, its wonderful to meet you, Jack! Tell me, how do you know Kat?"

Jack gave his first real smile and said, "We met the other night as she was taking a stroll. She is a wonderful girl."

Just then, we all jump as we hear a bugler sound the call for the meal.

Molly looks frustrated and said, "Why do they insist on always announcing dinner like a damn cavalry charge?"

I laughed and said, "Pretentious, isn't it?" I could see and feel my Ruth's disapproval, but I ignored it and turned back to Jack, whispering, "Can we meet again tonight? Same place as before?"

Jack smiled and nodded, then excused himself with a small touch to my back. I then walked back with Molly and Ruth. Dinner was, of course, like all the others. It was boring, and I completely ignored both Cal and Ruth's look of exasperation and anger. I wouldn't be with them for much longer, not if I had a say.

I left as I did all the other times, when no one was looking. It could have been the notice me not charm I casted upon myself, but I like to think I just wasn't that important to them.

I let the charm go as I got to the railing, and Jack smiled wide and said, "Want to go to a real party?"

I laughed and said, "Yes!"

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