Chapter 12

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I don't know how long it lasted, our shared orgasm. It could have been seconds, minutes, even hours. I only know that when it was finished, we were both so high that the room was spinning.

It was a long while before either of us even moved, Jack being the first to roll to his side, pulling me with him.

He was still panting, and he finally said with a small laugh, "I have never felt anything like that Rose... what the hell was that?"

I huffed and said, "That, Jack, was my magic choosing you. You now will always have a piece of me with you. And I will always know if you are in danger. It's very old magic, and it usually takes a ceremony. According to my Uncle Sirius, Old Magic is very primal. I... am the Mistress of Death and my magic has changed in ways I don't quite know yet. But I do know that it comes easier to me than before. If I will it, I can almost do anything."

Jack had the hand with my scar, and was tracing it with his own, and he said, "So now I have magic in me?"

I stopped breathing for a second. I shared my magical core with him... did that give him any magical abilities? I said haltingly, "Normally I would say no... but I am no longer just a witch. We can always test it at some point and see if you can do something simple at some point."

Jack hummed in contentment and said, "I'd like that... I know that I was upset about you being a witch before but... if I could help you... even a little, I would be honored if I had the magic to do so."

I slowly sat up and looked in his eyes and said, "Jack. I love you." His eyes widened at my admission and I hurried on, "I don't need a knight in shining armor. I need you. My kind, honest, handsome man. My Gryffindor. Magic or no magic, you're perfect for me."

Jack gave a wobbly smile and said, "You're beautiful, inside and out. I feel like you're a piece of home I've missed all these years. You're stuck with me now, Rosalind Potter." He kissed me gently in the forehead and murmured, "I love you."

Suddenly, we felt the whole ship quake. I sat up immediately and said, "Jack, it's time. The ship hit an iceberg. It's going to sink."

He looked at me with slight panic, then he gritted his teeth with resolve and said, "What do we do?"

I got out of the bed and opened one of my trunks, the one with the apartment, and said, "Follow me Jack."

Jack jumped inside and looked around in childlike wonder. He followed me inside and said, "This is the apartment you were talking about... bigger on the inside... Jesus Christ."

I snickered and had him follow me to a closet, where there were several clothes. Most were Wizard robes, but several were clothes meant for the muggle world, and I saw several dresses that I could wear. I put one on and started to spell them to resist cold and wet (it wouldn't keep everything out, but it would help).

I then turned to Jack and then back to the wardrobe. I transfigured some into his size, and spelled them the same as mine and said, "Put these on. They will help with keeping out the cold and wet. It won't do much, but it should be better than regular clothes."

He quickly dons on his new clothes, and I said, "We have a few hours before the titanic sinks. We will survive due to my magic and our connection, but I had something else to say." Jack just took my hand gently and squeezed in encouragement, "Okay. Your two friends Tommy and Fabrizio. Do you want me to try and save them?"

Jack gasped and said, "Rose... you would do that? But what about keeping your magic a secret?"

I shook my head and said, "I would have to obliviate them... it would let them keep some memories about what happened here but take out all traces of memory of my magic."

Jack looked conflicted but then sighed, "Always with the hard stuff, Rose." He then stepped closer to me and pulled me into his arms. He felt warm and safe, "If we can save them, I would like that. If we can't... well, we need to put ourselves first. I don't want you in trouble for showing your magic, so if you have to make them forget it then so be it."

I just hugged him tighter and said, "We need to go soon. This place will be flooded first."

I felt Jack's head nod on top of mine, and he said, "You're right. It's just... since we've made love, I feel the magic now. Especially when we touch. It feels so good Rose."

I leaned back and kissed him on the lips slowly and then said, "I know." He then slowly let me go and it was then I remembered my bracelet. I took the wand off of it and enlarged it.

It was a dark wood, and had a few designs on the handle, but when I held it, I knew that it would never be mine. I looked up at Jack and thought, "It couldn't be..."

I slowly held it out and said, "Death left this on my bracelet. It's not my old wand, nor the Elder Wand. Take it Jack."

He looked wary and said, "Are you sure?" At my nod he gently took it in his hand and gasped. I could feel the wand choose him. I knew that this wand was his. How was this possible? He looked at it for a moment longer and said, "I have magic now? Like you?"

I smiled wide and said, "You do, I think. I don't know how, and I don't care. Now, you can't really use it, seeing as you don't know any spells, but I bet your accidental magic will save your ass more than once. It's done it for me as well." I just watch him stare at the wand again and I said, "You need a holder for it... let's see if there's any in here..."

I rummaged around until I found two that would be hidden under our clothes and when I deemed us fit, we headed out of the trunk. Coming out, we noticed that water was already coming into ---the room. Jack looked freaked out, and I took his hand in mine.

I said, "You go I go. Let's find Tommy and Fabrizio."

Rosalind Potter - Deep at SeaWhere stories live. Discover now