Chapter 14

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Before he could start shooting, one of the crewmen knocked it out of his hand and shouted, "What the hell do you think you're doing? Isn't there enough death already?"

Cal refused to speak, just glared at us. The Crewman looked at me and said gently, "Go on miss. We'll keep the man away."

I smiled and said, "Thank you." I turned away from him and made my way to the other side of the boat. Cal was right, they were allowing some men on the boats, but it was utter chaos as frightened men were trying to bum-rush the crewmen.

Tommy looked livid and shouted, "Please! Let us on! Give us a chance to live you limey bastards!"

The crewman fires his gun in the air twice yelling, "I'll shoot any man who tries to get past me."

I looked at Jack and he looked at me. He was just as upset and frightened as the others, and as Tommy went to step back, others from behind him pushed him forwards. I saw this and realized that the crewman with a gun was going to shoot.

I shouted, "No! Protego!" and shoved Tommy out of the way.

I felt Tommy breathe heavily beneath me and as I looked into his eyes, I saw his knowledge of what I had done. He breathed, "Rose..."

I was picked up and turned around, Jacks mouth descended on mine like a starving man, kissing me in between each few words, "You're so... stupid Rose! Rose, you're... so stupid, you're such... an idiot—"

I just kissed him back and said, "He's important to you Jack... I couldn't... Tommy didn't deserve that."

Jack finally separated from me and looked over at Tommy who refused to look away from me in awe. Jack finally pulled him up and said, "Tommy... Tommy!"

Tommy finally looked away and said lowly, "Jack... she--!"

Jack just nodded and said, "I know... I know she's special. But Tommy, we have bigger things to worry about right now."

Tommy seemed to come out of his stupor and said, "Right... you're right Jack."

I watched to scene for a few moments before saying, "Jack. We're not going to be able to get into a boat."

Jack shook his head in anger and said, "Then... what are we going to do?"

I took a deep breath and said, "Jack... do you trust me?"

Jack nodded and said, "Forever. Where you go, I go, remember?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I can put Tommy and Fabrizio in the apartment trunk... and we can make our escape on my broom. We'll fly out of here."

Jack looked incredulous and said, "Are you being serious right now?"

I nodded and said, "I'm completely serious, Jack. We won't survive if we go into the water. You remember what you told me about ice fishing?" At Jack's numb nod, I continued, "Then you know that us going into the water is suicide. We'll freeze to death before any boats come to our rescue, even with the spelled clothing I have us in."

Jack sighed and said, "I know... you're right. But we should leave it up to them to decide. I don't want you to just... magic them into the trunk."

I snorted, and said, "Okay. I'll leave it to you. They know you better and trust you more."

Jack nodded and then went over toward Fab and Tommy. I saw Fab shake his head, then look at me in fear. I would be lying if I said that the look he gave me didn't hurt. But I was so happy when Tommy looked at me, then at Jack, then back at me with a small smile and a nod.

Jack and Tommy gave Fabrizio a long hug, before they separated; fab going one way and Jack and Tommy close to me.

I smiled at Tommy and said, "Thank you for trusting me. I know learning about magic can be frightening."

He just gave me a crooked smile and said, "We Irelanders are a tough lot. I've believed in magic since I was a wee barn. 'Tis no'tin knew to me Rosie."

I laughed and looked around and said, "We need a room where no one else is in right now, so that I can put you in my trunk."

He winced and said, "Will I fit?"

Jack choked a laugh and said, "Trust me, Tommy, it's bigger on the inside." He then led us into an abandoned room, and I took my apartment trunk off my bracelet and enlarged it.

I heard Tommy gasp, then I held out my hand and said, "Come with me Tommy. I promise, you'll like it in here." And he did. He was just looking around in awe, and I laughed at his wonder and said, "You know... I love seeing your faces when you see my magic. Makes me feel special."

Jack then steps up to me and gives me a gentle kiss, "You are special. The most special girl I have ever known."

I showed Tommy the apartment and said, "There's food, electricity, clothes, and a shower. Please, help yourself to whatever you want in here."

Tommy just nods dumbly, and I said, "We'll see you in a while, Tommy."

He then finally looks away with concern at us and said, "Are you sure you two will be alright?"

I nodded and said, "Without a doubt. Are you wanting to go to America Tommy, or back to England?"

He looked surprised and said, "Well... I would like to go back to my family, if that's all right."

I nodded and said, "England it is. Are you okay with that Jack? We can always floo... er... go back to America at another date."

Jack just smiled at me and said, "Where you go, I go."

I smiled gently at him and said, "We must be going." I then stepped up and gave Tommy a hard hug and said, "See you soon, Tommy."

Tommy hugged me back and said, "See you Rosie." He then gave Jack another long hug and said, "You too Jack. Take care o' our Rosie."

Jack nodded and said, "Always."

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