Chapter 15

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We left the trunk and realized that the boat was starting to become more vertical. I said, "Okay Jack, I'm going to disillusion us, make us invisible, and also put the Cloak of Invisibility over us as added protection. This way, we can fly out of here without being seen."

Jack nodded, and I then unshrunk my firebolt, and took out my Cloak from my bag and looked at him, and said, "Are you ready?"

He nodded, and with a quick spell I disillusioned us and stepped out of the room. People were running past, but no one saw us. I held Jack's hand tightly and said, "Okay. Mount the broom, as you would a bike." I felt Jack mount it behind me, and I said, "Now put the cloak around us."

Jack did so, and I said, "Now hold on tight Jack, and enjoy the ride." And as he held onto my waist tightly, I took off quickly. Within seconds we were high in the sky and Jack was gasping.

I stopped to hover over the ship and Jack said, "Jesus fucking Christ."

We both watched as the ship broke in half, then completely sank into the water. I nodded and said, "I know. It's horrible, isn't it. If I didn't have magic, it would be us down there..."

Jack just held me tighter and kissed my neck lovingly, "And I thank whatever gods there are that you have it." We were silent for a few more moments before, "This is fantastic."

I huffed out a laugh and said, "I'm glad you like flying. Once we get back to England, we're going to have to go to the magical community and help you learn all about magic, since you seem to have it now."

Jack hummed, and I flew off into the night. It was several hours later (Thank god the firebolt can go over 100mph) before we touched down on the docks. I made sure that we were in a secluded corner before I got Tommy out of the apartment.

He looked around in awe and said, "Well Rosie... you did it."

I laughed and said, "I did. We did. Thank you for believing in me, Tommy. And Jack."

Tommy smiled sadly and said, "I'm not gonna remember this... am I?"

I felt tears in my eyes and said, "No... You cannot remember. Magic is forbidden to outsiders. Jack only knows because he's my soulmate. I'm sorry Tommy."

Tommy nodded and said, "Will I remember either of you?"

Jack nodded and said, "It will be like we lost the card game. You won't remember the Titanic at all."

Tommy nodded and said, "All right." He then looked at me and said, "You are one hell of a woman Rosie, and Jack here is lucky to have you."

I smiled through my tears and said, "Thank you Tommy. This won't hurt a bit, I promise." I then had my wand at the ready and said, "Obliviate."

It was several days later when Jack and I discussed what we were going to do. We had rented a room at the Leaky Cauldron, since we had more wizarding money than muggle. I finally said, "Jack... I have to find a way back. I cannot leave my friends and their family to their fate."

Jack looked upset and said, "But you have already died Rose! How can you go back and... and..."

I took his face in my hands and gently kissed him, "You know that this is who I am. I must finish this, Jack. Please..."

Jack just sighed and said, "Oh Rose...I can't say no to you." He then gave me another soft kiss before saying, "How are we going to get back?"

Suddenly, I felt another presence and Jack yelled, "What the fuck?!"

I turned around to see Death and I smiled and said, "Death. Hello again."

Death nodded and hissed, "Massster. I sssee that you have found your mate."

I nodded and pulled Jack forward and said, "Don't worry Jack, Death is a friend."

Jack just nodded dumbly and said, "Nice to meet you."

Death hissed out a laugh and said, "I like this one. You have a wisssh massster?"

I nodded and said, "I have to finish him. I have to try."

Death nodded and said, "I sssee... and what of your mate? Doesss he wisssh to come asss well?"

Jack nodded and said, "Where she goes, I go."

Death nodded and said, "Ssso be it. You will be brought to the time of your death. I cannot ssstop him from killing you, but I can ssstop you from dying."

I slowly nodded and said, "So I will wake up after? In the forest?" Death nodded and I looked at Jack, "And Jack?"

Death was quiet for a time and said, "Jack will be hidden, until one of you isss defeated."

I nodded and looked back at Jack, "Jack...will you wait for me?"

Jack just took me into his arms and said, "Where you go, I go. I will wait forever."

I kissed him one last time, almost forgetting about the other entity in the room. I finally stepped back, looked back at Death, and said, "I am ready."

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