Chapter 38

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       Quickly, Anastacius lept to me sword in hand, ready to slash at me

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       Quickly, Anastacius lept to me sword in hand, ready to slash at me. I quickly tried to block it with my own sword but due to my lack of expereience, I misplaced the position. And due to my cowardice, I closed my eyes just as he was raising the sword. Because of this, my wrist was hit.

I flew back, clutching my bleeding wrist. I glared at him who was still smiling.

"Wouldn't it be good to surrender now, sister in law?" He smirked, "I think both of us know who will win."

If I ever surrendered against an emo zombie man, i'd cut my head off myself.

He waited for a response and when he realized I would not give him one, he immediately lunged towards me once again. This time, I did get the placing right and I refused to close my eyes. My wrist was pounding with hurt but I fended off his attack. Again and again, he slashed his sword at mine but I found some type of technique for this. It was similar to volleyball. I guess all sports are similar in some ways.

How did the fencing thing go? I never took fencing at the academy but I remember it looked something like- I stabbed the sword into the side of Anasaticus's abdomen in the middle of our little slashing battle.

He looked down shocked like a wide eyed monkey. I burst out laughing from his face.

"What are you...." He fell to his knees, he kept standing simply because he stuck his sword into the ground. I smiled.

Blood was flowing swiftly from his abdomen now. Medical tv shows always said not to take out objects if you were stabbed. I looked down at him with a great sense of disappointment. At which, I ripped out the sword violently.

"GAH-" Anastacius threw up some blood.

WOw. I'm really lucky he let his guard down thinking I would only defend against his attacks! LOL!!!!!1!1!11111

As I let my guard down, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my other wrist that hadn't been hit yet. And I was pushed back by the wrist to the cave wall. After the shock dissipated, I felt a piercing pain in my other wrist. When I looked to see what had hit it, I found a sword. Immediately, I darted my eyes to Anastacius who was cackling as he slowly stood up.

"You fell for it~" He smiled, "Sister in law~" This time, I noticed his eyes had red pupils. Ominous.

A raven with black velvety feathers flew down to that man's outstretched arm before he looked me straight in the eyes, "It's good everything is going according to keikaku."

Oh my sweet jesus christ, please find it in your heart to stop me from murdering this little black haired man.

"What are you planning to do with me?" I asked.

"You'll be used as my meat shield when I encounter Claude," He smirked, "And once you die, I'll give his memories back right before his own death. There, he'll see his dear lover died because of his own hands~"

I stayed silent. A stupid plan, and not thought out at all. As expected, I will not be losing.

"activar" I muttered. And so my pure white sword started to glow brightly and raise up in the air. My trump card, my last resort.

"What are you doing?!" Anastacius asked as he tried to quickly run toward it.

In a flash, I teleported out. It was a bomb. A light bomb to be exact. I knew if I just tried to teleport out in front of him, he'd stop me but if there was something distracting him, I would be liable for an escape.

Immediately, once my feet found solid ground, I fell over clutching my bleeding wrists. Ahh- I'm not in good condition. Striking pain on my wrists were now moving around my arms and hands. AGH- I'm not into this.

"Unnie?!" I heard Athanasia's panicked voice rush to me even though I was getting dizzy ad my vision was blurring. Her face came close to mine, I saw worry.

I smiled, "I think I need medical attention."

"Unnie?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" She had tears in her eyes as she held me. I felt sleepy, goodnight. I won't die from this though.

"Have some tea," Lucas handed me a tea cup with Chamomile tea inside.

Ah... my favorite. This reminds me of the days I used to have tea parties with Damita and Jacky. Anyways anyways~

"Thank you," I responded grabbing the cup. Athanaisa looked at me worried more than relieved.

"Unnie, now that you're awake. You need to tell us what happened to cause you such injuries..." Athanasia looked down. I looked down at my own injuries at my wrist, which had bandages in them. My body was a bit bruised and scratched too. I sighed before sipping the tea slowly.

"That man," I recalled, "I met a black haired man. He looked more than similar to claude..."

"To papa?" Athanasia sat down now intrigued. I smiled.

"Yes, but more than Claude..." I looked into the distance, "He looked like the brother."

"You mean Anastacius?" Athanasia looked confused, "Isn't he... long dead?"

I smiled knowingly, "He called me sister in law." I tighted my grip on the cup.

"Anastacius, the dead last emperor,... he attacked you?" Athanasia was astonished.

"Do you believe me?"

"It's hard to."

At least she's honest.

I laughed, "Well, its what I saw! and I think you know i wouldn't lie to you..."

Athanasia gave a small grin, "Right, right..."

"Anyways, He attacked me and I was able to escape somehow :D" I finally said.

"Huh." Lucas commented, "that's mysterious."

"Should we worry about it?" Athanasia asked him.

"No, not now anyways, let's just keep going with our first goal-" He looked into her eyes, "Helping your dad."

Athanasia smiled feeling comfortable, "Yeah!"

Strangely enough, now that I get to see their relationship in person, it feels very sweet. I smiled. Both of them make the other one feel comfortable and in relief and I think that's what love is. I hope they realize it soon.

Athanasia pointed at the map of the inner palace, "Here, this is where papa most likley is during the night."

"I've found a good route using this map and Lucas," she looked to lucas, "he highlighted where most of the guards are during the night."

There were little pink circles on the map most likely representing the guards. I nodded.

Suddenly Angelina became an Empress(WmmapFanfic)Where stories live. Discover now