Chapter 12

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       I've been hiding in this closet for a while right now. I'm starting to think nacho just told me that to mess with my mental state and make me go insane. "..." THAT LITTLE PIECE OF RATTY TRASH! I'm going out! I don't need to listen to you! YOUR NOT EVEN MY REAL FAMILIAR ANYMORE SINCE YOUR A BIRD NOW! I started to open the closet when suddenly, a huge something fell from the sky. I could see it from the window. It fell into the garden. WTF.

              As I kept staring at it, I realized it was a person. He had shimmering blonde hair that fell to his feet and emerald green eyes. Wow, he's handsome...

WAIT A MINUTE! This man is exactly what nacho described! A very handsome man! Does that mean he's come her to kill me?

Suddenly our eyes met.

There was a silence.

I slowly closed the doors to my closet and sat down in the closet before trembling slightly. And suddenly the doors of the closet were slammed open and there he was, the blonde figure giving me a menacing look. AHHHHH! I ran immediately through the halls, him chasing me.

WHY'S HE SO AGGRESSIVE, GET OFF MY BACK YOU BLONDIE! This body's not even good at running, how am I supposed to out run him for long!? I started to slowly chant a spell to speed me up when something grabbed my arm and pulled me away around the corners.


It was a little boy with dark blue hair and crystal blue eyes that were oddly similar to mine. Huh? Wait a minute.... who ARE you???

"You shouldn't try and chant any spells right now." He whispered. Who are you

"That guy isn't sure if your really the offender and only went after you because you seemed suspicious and started to run, if you use a spell, he'll kill you immediately because he knows you can use spells." The boy said. Who are you

"Why'd you even get out of the closet to be h-,"

"Uh, who are you?" I asked.

". . . R u blind? It's me. Nacho, you ugly piece of garbage."


"Unfortunately for you, I looked like a doll from the start! I was the prettiest thing in your whole life and anything you say otherwise is a lie~" he said.

"Ah.. this annoyingly disgusting personality... IVE SEEN IT BEFORE! It really is you.." I started crying dramatically, "How could you possess a poor cute little boy!"

"Stupid, I stayed as a chihuahua and bird before because your mom told me to but this is my true form! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

This feels like the boss in a video game but wimpier.

"If this is your true form you must be a weak little boy."

"I'm going to strangle you."

          "I'm going to eat you."

         "Why're so into vore btw"

         "Because you used to be a dog and then a bird which both are edible"

         We both heard footsteps.

          We immediately stood up and tried to act normal.

            "You..." the blonde haired figure said staring at me.


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(I'm still really busy that's why I had to give you this short chapter but I finally got to a nice break time so I thought I'd make this quickly)

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