Chapter 40

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(woah we're at chapter 40, time to thank my loyal readers that still come to this story when i post. If i was you i would've already moved on because i'm not loyal but yall stay ty shawtys. It honestly warms my heart seeing the same names commenting and voting on my chapters. also claude hate rn warms my heart since I'm happy to know that my readers know what a healthy relationship is and why claude should not be forgiven easily stan you guys <3) 

     "How did you realize?" I asked calmly. 

      He looked to the side, "A birdie told me." 

      "A birdie? You talk so vaguely now?" I questioned, it was unusual for claude to use this type of vague languange. Normally he would rather say, "I'd rather not tell you" or "I don't think you need to know." so this divergence was noticable to me. 

      "Who are you to know what I sound like?" He asked crossing his arms. 

      I glared at him. Noticing this, He visibly got irritated and grabbed Athanasia's arm. 

     "Oh so now- you're choosing to show disrespect." He almost laughed, "Hah. Do you not know what position you and this wench are in." 

     "-AH! Let go of my arm!" Athanasia tried to pull away hurriedly but claude refused to let go and of course a grown man's grip strengths was larger than a 14 year old girl's. I felt my blood boil, I was holding back until this man could get better but It was so damn hard to resist looking at this scene. 

     "A face like that," He looked down at Athanasia, "It's about time you realize your standing and shut up." I watched Athanasia start to visibly tremble as she looked down. 

      "..." I guess you could say my blood went through the roof watching that because in that moment, I silently walked up to claude. 

     And in the quickest hardest and most painful way I could, I slapped that motherfucker in the face as lightning stroke and lit the room with white light for only a moment. It was a hard slap, painful. And there persisted a long silence between the participants in the room, all wide eyed except for the perpetrator. 

     He looked back at my eyes shocked and his cheek soaring with pain. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, most likely to chastise me, I cut him off. 

     "Don't look at me like you're the victim." I said gritting my teeth, "Because I'm obscenely angry right now." 

   "...Unnie-" Athanasia called, her eyes wide. 

     "You." I looked to Felix, "I want you to take Lucas to medical attention immediately." 

    He surprisingly complied very well and picked the unconcious Lucas off the ground. Just before he whisked him away, I took the tree branch from his hands and walked to Claude, my heels tapping loudly before there was a silence and another loud tap as I walked. It echoed through Claude's fully marble bedroom in the most overpowering sound. 

     Claude stiffened as I walked up to him and stared him straight in the face. I never thought I'd say this but, I abhor this man's face more than anyone I have met up till now. 

    Silently, I grabbed the hand that was grabbing Athanasia's arm and with a violent tug, pulled it away. Claude backed up still in shock for a little while. 

      "Wait-" He called, still in a somewhat state of panic, reaching his hand for me. Out of instinct, I slapped it away greeting his shocked face with a glare. He stood silently. 

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