Chapter 31

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     Walking through streets of the common folk was strange to me in all the years i've been here, I don't think I've ever had the chance to actually walk around the market. Since I was a live in maid, I just stayed on the palace grounds all the time. The wind was nice during the summer, I held Athanasia's hand a little tighter. I feel just  bit depressed. 

     It becomes more and more unbearably lonely when I watch all these people walking along the bustling market. Because when I call for nacho, he doesn't appear anymore. In a world where I'm truly the only one out of place now, it feels lonely. 

       "Unnie, lets get dumplings :D" Athanasia said quickly grabbing arm and pointing to a stall with dumplings. Is she trying to make me feel better ...? Man this is sad, im sorry for worrying you gorl. 

      "Yeah sure, lets go," I said before walking to the stall with her. 

       "Hello, would you like a dumpling Ma'am?" the stall manager asked. I nodded getting my money out. 

         "3 dumplings please and can you put them in a bag?" I asked. 

        "Of course," the stall owner said before starting to get the dumplings. As the two of us waited, a person came forward from behind us. 

         "Ah, may I also order 2 dumplings," the person asked. I carefully peeked from under my hood and saw it was someone unexpected. 

      Ijekial Alpheus! Surprised by my shocked expression he quickly asked, "W-what is it?" 

        "... Nothing at all sir, I just thought you resembled my ... niece." I stammered. I didn't think one of them would be here, i guess characters have lives outside of the scenes they're in ... ugejsdabjjas

         "...niece, huh??" Ijekial asked, "I look like your niece?" 

         "I mean't to say my father," I replied quickly. isn't that even worse than that though? 

          "Are you trying to joke about my appearance?" He asked seemingly offeneded. No, I just want to end the conversation quickly. 

        "UNNIE THE DUMPLINGS ARE READY LETS GO-" Athanasia almost yelled before grabbing the dumplings and running while holding my hand. 

        "OI WE DIDN'T PAY FOR THEM-" I yelled. 

       "COME BACK AND PAY YOU THIEVES" the store manager yelled as we ran into an allyway. this isn't good this isn't good-

"Athanasia why would you run off-" 

"...Unnie that person knows what my voice sounds like and he recognized me once before when I went undercover last time... I wanted to get away quickly, I'm sorry..." She muttered. I sighed, "... Well, I'll go back and pay for it, you stay here." 

      I started to run back but when I got there, I found guards pointing their swords at me. HAH- the first day out and we've already caused this much trouble! 

       "Halt thief! you're under arrest for stealing without paying! Now give the stall manager back his dumpling or you'll be getting an extra 2 months in jail!" the guards yelled. this has gotten way out of hand, the best answer here would be to give back the dumplings and escape when I land in jail but unfortunately I don't have the dumplings with me. 

       I should've asked Athanasia to give me the dumplings before leaving her. 

       "Guards, may I ask you to wait?" Ijekial asked from behind them, "I'll pay for the ladies' dumplings so you can you let them off? They were with me and just very hungry the ladies meant no harm." 

He lies well. 

     "Well, if the duke Alpheus's genius son says it's true then it must..." right right it must. Ijekial somehow got me out of a situation but maybe this is worse than landing in jail.  

The guards moved away and we were at peace. I sighed before walking back towards Athanasia. 

     "Ma'am, may I ask you a question?" 

     "I already have the answer for you, kid." I replied. 

     "you do?" 

      "Whatever you're thinking about the two of us is spot on, I commend you, kid." I said as I kept walking. 

       He followed me, "Then you are saying that you and that girl are truly..." 

      "Right, it's no use hiding from you after all." 

     When we reached athanasia she looked at ijekial with cautiousness. 

        "Unnie, you brought-" 

        "Princess?" Ijekial asked before her. I nearly slapped his mouth, "Did you forget we're in hiding right now, kid?????" 

      "...then it's true, you are the princess and this woman accompanying you is-" Ijekial stammered. 

         "Do you ever stop talking?" I asked him annoyed. 

           "Oh, right! I apologize," he quickly replied before putting his gaze on to Athanasia. Simp. 

           "...If you do not have an place to stay, I can arrange the Alpheus mansion," Ijekial suggested. 

             "That probably isn't the best idea. If your father finds us, he'll bring us to papa immediately. I don't want to risk something like that," Athanasia explained. I stared into space, it was fine in the manwha right? Hmmm... maybe we should stay there for a day and plan our next move. I have an idea after all, and the duke's libraries might be able to help form it. 

              "Then, would you be alright if we stayed there for a day?" I asked. Athanasia looked at me with a look of discomfort. She really isn't much of a risk taker is she? eheh- 


           "What do you plan to do Unnie?" Athanasia asked. 

           " uhh.... I'll figure it out as we go <3" I replied to her grinning slightly. 

             She looked unimpressed uwu <3 

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