Chapter 21

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     "Okay, so I'm not from this world originally," i said to claude. Claude started at me unimpressed.
          "Why aren't you surprised?" I asked him.

           "Well, I knew something was up since the country you said you were from didn't exist," Claude signed.

             Eh- so I guess I don't have photographic memory huh. Damnit.

            "But I wasn't sure of the specifics," Claude said, "How on earth is that possible?"

             "Since I'm not exactly from your world, I have a different power system opposed to yours. So my magic allows me to be able to travel across time," I replied.

               "Are other "Witches" such as yourself capable of that too?" Claude asked.

                "Not exactly," I said, "I'm more of a special case since I was born very talented. It's very hard to be able to do so I think I might've been one of the first witches to actually do it."

                "I see," Claude said, "That doesn't exactly explain why you've been gone for 7 years though."

                I sighed, "Okay so, Kami was very angry that I interfered with this world and changed the flow of the timeline so he thought the best way to fix it was to kill me."

               He flinched at the word kill.

              "Of course, I couldn't allow that to happen so me and my familiar, nacho escaped through a portal and we somehow ended up meeting Kami. Kami and I were able to come to an agreement that'd I'd stay there for 7 years then I'd be allowed to come bacck,"

              "So that's how it was," Claude said, "It's disappointing that you felt you couldn't trust me enough to tell me this sooner."

               I stood up from my seat, "It's not that I didn't trust you, I just-,"

               "It's fine, I won't hold a grudge on you for something that was out of your control." Claude said with a smirk. I went completely red. He do be makin my heart feel some kinda way (*≧∀≦*) i put my hand over my mouth, it's too beautiful for my eyes. It's been 7 years, they say absence makes the heart grow fonder..

                  "But I do regret not telling you sooner," I said sadly, "Because I love you so much I thought it'd be better I didn't tell you..."

                   "Love?" Claude asked widening his eyes, "You love me?"

                    "You realized I wasn't from hispanolia but not that?" I asked questioningly.
                      "I-," he started blushing severely. I went a little closer to him to get a better look. Oho, his blushing face!!!! MIRACLE ITS A MIRACLE!!!
                     "What're you looking at?!" He yelled.

                       "Your face." I said bluntly.

                     He blushed even more before yelling, "Oh and you're fired!"

                      Immediately I snapped out of admiring Claude mode and into confusion.

                  "Wait- WHY!?" I yelled.

                   "Did you think missing 7 years of work without permission would just be ignored?" Claude asked. 

                   I flinched. Actually,,, I was kinda hoping,,, that would be the case....

                    "Anyway, I'll be giving you a title," Claude said.

                     "A title?!" I yelled.

                       "Yes, it's your birthday, isn't it?" Claude asked, "Well at least that's what the head maid said.."

                    "Wow, I had no idea-," I muttered. I totally forgot that Nicolette had a life before me haha-

                     And so Claude gave me the title of "Countess" and gave me a whole mansion. Wtf Claude is the rich white kid  that calls me commoner down the street 😫

               "Nicolette!" Athanasia yelled as she tried to get my attention. I was visiting her at her palace as I usually do. I'm not sure if this is normal, but I feel like I'm at the castle more than I am at my actual house even though I'm not a maid anymore.

               "Yes?" I asked athanasia as I pat her head. She smiled happily.

                "My debutante is coming up, have you heard?" She asked.

                "Of course I have." I smiled.

                  "Then, I'd really like it if you'd come to the debutante.." she said.
                    "Me? Come to the princess' debutante?" I asked, "But I was planning on coming anyway since I received an invitation-,"

                     "No not like that!! I want you to come with me and dad to the debutante!" Athanasia said.

                      "Ehhh- no no I'm not on the same hierarchy as the princess and emperor," I said, "How could I ever-,"

                    She started pouting.

                 Don't do that, Athanasia~~~

             "Huh of course, you're coming with us," Claude said nonchalantly by the door.

               "Your majesty!" I yelled.

             "Stop calling me that." Claude sighed as he came into the room, "But of course you're coming with us. If you're worried about everyone making a fuss about it, I can easily silence them."

               "... well okay,,," I gave in easily...

Like a coward.


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