How it all whent to hell

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James Bucky Barnes

"What the hell is that" private Morton spat out the food in his mouth

It was cold as hell that night and the soldiers of the 107th infantry had paired up with those of a British one in order to share rations and warmth

"That is the wonderful cooking of corporal Dugan" a man sitting behind him laughed. He was young, with blue eyes and brown hair. "What is it this time Dum Dum? Beans from last year's rations or from the year before?" He yelled at a big kinda chubby man, obviously this Dugan guy.

"You know what sarge? Why don't you cook next time?" He joked and acted insulted

Sergeant? But he is so young, Morton thought

"Because if I cook you're all gonna die from food poisoning" the sergeant smiled again

"Well then shut up and eat your food" Dugan saw his face and added "sir"

"How long" Morton turned to the young man

"What?" He replied confused

"How long have you been here? If you don't mind me asking" he put his tray down

"About six months now. The name is James Barnes" he extended his arm "but people call me Bucky"

"How drunk were you to turn James into Bucky? I'm Andrew Morton" he shook the sergeant's hand
Bucky laughed "my younger sister named me Bucky. My middle name is Buchanan" he took a bite from his food "wow that really tastes like a toilet"

"I don't mean to be disrespectful sarge but let me rephrase my question. How drunk were your parents to name you Buchanan?" The private asked

Bucky burst into laughter "I really like this one" he pointed at Morton as he looked at Dugan

"What's not to like?" Andrew moved aside for Dugan to sit

"So Morton" he started as he sat down "do you have a gal back home?"

"Straight to the point I see" he cleared his throat "Well yea and no" he stopped to look at the two men who looked at him like he'd just told them he was an alien "we went out a couple of times before I was drafted but it wasn't something too serious so I don't really know. How about you two?"

"Well I'm married to the most beautiful woman from Chicago, Grace" Dugan placed his hand over his right pocket as if to touch something

Morton shrugged "And you?" He turned to Bucky

Bucky took his time answering. In previous conversations involving partners he never participated. How could he? What would he tell them? That he was one of those queers? That his gal was a guy? He thought about it and decided it was bloody time he started talking about Steve or he'd forget him himself. He'd spent six months without him. He had to talk to someone.

"I've got a girl home yea" he didn't lift his head from his boots, that seemed very interesting at that moment

"You do?" Dugan lifted an eyebrow

"Why do you look so surprised? I'm not that ugly" Bucky joked

"It's just that whenever we have this discussion you just listen so I assumed you didn't" he answered

Bucky chuckled.

"Well?" Both the private and the corporal said at the same time

"Well what?" Bucky looked at them

"Are you gonna tell us about her?" Morton gave him the answer he feared most "I mean we could always guess but you wouldn't like the activity we'd be doing while thinking about her"

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