Long way back: part 2

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After almost twelve hours of walking the men were exhausted so Steve gave the order to stop. Night had fallen once again so he organised some volunteers into three groups. He put six people in charge of setting up something like a camp, eight people to share the rations equally and the men with medical training were ordered to examine the wounded.

"Damit Steve for the last time I'm fine. I don't need a check up" Bucky said as soon as he saw the captain approach with Dernier.

"Just let the man take a quick look" Steve pleaded

"I said no Steve" Bucky raised his tone

"Okay alright" Steve raised his hands defensively "you don't have to get checked out right now. But I need you to promise me two things"

"Oh God" Bucky shook his head "I'm listening"

"Firstly you'll try to sleep. Secondly the minute you start feeling weird again you'll seek out a medic"Steve named his terms and although Bucky didn't like them he agreed, being too exhausted to argue any more.

When the camp was ready Steve assigned the shifts for the night to eight soldiers, two on each shift and suggested that the men slept in groups to occupy less space and have each other's backs should the worst happen.

Steve made sure that everyone was as comfortable as possible and laid down, using his jacket as a pillow. The ground was cold and rough but although he didn't want to admit it he was exhausted too. After a failed attempt to sleep his mind started wandering. What had happened to Bucky in there? What would happen to him when they returned? Would he be court-martialled? Probably. He didn't care thought. As long as the man he loved was safe he didn't care. He had finally started drifting off when he heard a small whimper, barely audible to the normal ear. He opened his eyes and got up to check on the source of the noise. The captain noticed Bucky laying  across from him, tossing and turning.

"Bucky" he whispered not sure if the brunette was awake "Bucky" he repeated but didn't receive an answer.

Steve moved closer to his. . .what were they anyway? We're they still boyfriends? Lovers? Just Friends? Before Bucky had left he had a vague idea about their relationship status but now? He knew he still loved Bucky with every cell of his body but did he feel the same way?

"N-No" Bucky cried and swung his arm around, like he was trying to stop someone

"Hey hey Bucky" Steve knelt beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder "Bucky it's just a dream"

"NO" Bucky shot up a second later screaming

"Hey it's okay it's okay" Steve reassured him "you're safe"

"Steve?" He tried to make sense of the situation. Not in the lab, not with the doctor. Not in the lab, not with the doctor, he repeated to himself.

"Everything alright?" They heard Dernier, who was sleeping beside Bucky and had woken up by the screams, whisper before Steve could reply.

"Yea sorry" Bucky smiled, but that smile completely faded when he felt his insides turn. He stood up as fast as he could and run to the nearest tree, where he started emptying his guts out.

"There you go. Get all the bad stuff out" he felt Steve's firm hand rubbing circles on his back "there you go. That's it" he whispered.

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