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A/N I'm really sorry that the story so far has been kinda Bucky-centric but I promise you I'll elaborate more on Steve once he finds out about the capture.
Warning: mention of rape and aftermaths of it are discussed in this chapter. Please read with caution. Enjoy the story :)

James Bucky Barnes

"Aufstehen Liebchen" (Wake up sweetheart) a voice echoed in Bucky's head

"Oh God" Bucky shook his head in an effort to clear his vision "that hurt" he groaned

When he managed to open his eyes, he was back in the colonel's room. This time he was tied up, hands above his head, handing from the ceiling and ankles together. He also noticed he was shirtless.

"Did you miss me James?" Lohmer moved closer

"Do you want an honest answer or an answer you'll like?" Bucky tried very hard not to flinch at the sound of his name coming out of the nazi's mouth

As a reply the colonel slapped him across the face
"I do not enjoy repeating myself Liebchen. Respect"

Bucky shot him an angry look but he didn't answer. Instead he studied his surroundings. No big table this time, chains above his head and a cart with a box on it. Other than that the room was the same as last time.

"We didn't get a chance to finish the game last time James" the colonel walked to the cast and opened the box, revealing a bunch of knives and stuff that Bucky didn't really look foreword to finding out their purpose "let's get started shall we?"

Bucky remained silent. Lohmer picked up the first knife and dragged it down the young sergeant's torso, tracing yesterday's wounds. Bucky fought very hard to keep himself from screaming. After a while the German officer lost interest in the knife and picked up another...toy. When he finished with that too Bucky could barely see clear from the pain. He soon realised that the colonel didn't want any information in the first place. He did all that to enjoy himself.

"I think we had enough of those don't you?" Lohmer cleaned the blood off the tools he'd used and turned to Bucky, smiling

"You've made it. . .clear that y-you don't want. . .information" Bucky panted "what d-do you. . .want?"

"Ah Liebchen I wish you weren't this stubborn" the man's smile disappeared as he got closer to Bucky "I" he slapped him "ask" again "the" again "questions" again"But since you asked" this time he disappeared behind Bucky.

The next thing he heard was the clinging of a belt and a hoarse relax. Then everything was a blur mixed with screams and pleads that seemed like they had no receiver.

Steven Grant Rogers

Steve had just finished the last performance for the night and was wandering around the town when he heard a noise. A voice barely audible to the normal ear. He run towards the source of the sound.

"Please" someone beg "please let him go"

Steve run a little faster when instead of an answer he heard a thud. He turned left, behind a bar and saw three men. One was laying bloodied on the floor, probably the one who spoke earlier, the other had pinned the third on the wall, landing punches straight to his face.

"What's going on?" He cut in before the man could strike

"None of ya damn business" he yelled as he lifted his fist again

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