Endless nightmares

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Warnings: same as last chapter (+blood)

James Bucky Barnes

Someone was calling his name. He could exactly understand who the voice belonged to but it was familiar. Steve? No. The voice spoke again, this time it was weirder. It had en accent. What was it? British? Bucky moaned in pain as he tried to open his eyes to meet the cause of his headache, but before he could it all came back. Lohmer, the room, the pain. Everything. He wasn't home. He wasn't safe. He was in Austria, hoping to die. No. He couldn't die just yet. He had to stay alive. For Steve.

"Okay whose gonna wake him up?" Dugan looked around for volunteers " Flasworth is an idiot who can't do shit and I ain't doing it lads. Not after last night. Jones you have the soft touch of a woman why don't you do it? It may even remind him of his gal back home"

"Because I have something called respect. He needs rest" the privet pointed at the sleeping sergeant

"Well if he doesn't wake up anytime soon the German bastards are gonna have one more reason to punish him for. Help me get him up. He can rest later" Dugan couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth. He agreed with Gabe that Bucky needed the rest but he also knew that something would go terribly wrong if they let him. "Come on Bucky. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey. Except from the eggs and bakey part. You ain't getting that"

Bucky slowly opened his eyes to see Dugan and Jones leaning above him. Friends, he thought. Don't fight them. "If you don't take your ugly mugs away from my face in the next three seconds I'm gonna rat you out to the krauts" he coughed

"There he is" Jones smiled "how you feeling?"

Bucky looked at him but didn't answer. He stood up and walked around to stretch his legs. He whole body was aching. Soon the soldiers came and unlocked the doors. Work time.

Throughout the day Dugan would throw quick glances at Bucky. He noticed that even thought he was very good at hiding it, Bucky could barely stand. He was in pain and the corporal could do nothing about it. He turned to help another man carry a large box when he saw a soldier approach Bucky. He couldn't exactly understand what the soldier was saying but he knew something was wrong when the sergeant tensed upon seeing him.

"How are you feeling today Liebchen" Lohmer smiled at him and reached a hand to pat his cheek.
Bucky closed his eyes shut at the motion. The colonel didn't seem to like that very much. He grabbed Bucky by the hair and yanked him forword. The young man fell down with a loud thud. "We have talked about this one too many times Liebchen. You don't want to cause a scene do you?"

Bucky didn't reply. He closed his eyes hoping his action would make the HYDRA soldier angry enough to kill him. It did. But it didn't have the outcome he wanted. The soldier backhanded Bucky and gestured at the two nearest guards to seize him "bring him to my accomodations" he shouted and left, the men following him with Bucky trapped between them.

Dugan tried to protest but Dernier who had also witnessed the scene rushed to stop him "you will probably make things worse than they already are. Now we know who we are dealing with. Give me three hours. I will make sure he never does anything again"

Steven Grant Rogers

"Hi" Steve greeted the man in charge of the mail "anything for a Steven Rogers?" He asked with hope

The man searched the pile of letters. After a while he took out an envelope and waved it at Steve, whose eyes lightened up. Wat is from Bucky? From a fan? Hoped for the first, dreaded the second. He took the letter and quickly left the tent.

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