The beginning 2

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"How could you not, at least, get his name?!?"
My best friend, Jess, has been yelling at me for over an hour because of what happened and how I didn't get his name or anything except for what we talked about.

"Jess, calm down."
"I will not calm down Emily! How could you have a conversation with a guy about Doctor Who and then leave. I mean come on!!"
"Don't shank me. "

I stare at her wide eyed.

We're in my room talking about what happened. We've been talking about it for awhile now.

"Look Jess he was cute and amazing but.... I just.."
"You just what. "
"Rather live a clueless life, wouldn't that just be super fun!?" I say sarcastically.

"Look Em, I'm saying this because I care. You are seriously stupid and clueless with things like that."

"I know, I know, I can't help it I just freeze up and forget. "

"EMS! I'm sorry, but that was like the perfect guy and you just, UGHH, how could you! "
"I know, I'm upset about it too, but I most likely won't ever see him again and maybe it was for the best."

"The best?"
"I'm destined to be alone with doctor who and cats forever."

"EMS!!! how could you say that?!!"
"Because we all know it's true and don't deny it. "
Her phone goes off then.

"Look my moms txting wanting me home and don't worry you'll find someone perfect for you again someday."

"Yeah right." I whisper under my breath. I then throw myself back on my bed and go to sleep.

This can't be happening right now, can it?

Please tell me it was a dream and I'll wake up from this. But I know I won't and I don't know why I would want to honestly.

Those are my last thoughts till I'm cascaded in darkness.

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