Chapter 10

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I'm sitting at my desk trying to finish my essay for my English class, but the words just won't come out of me.

I usually don't have this problem.
Words tend to flow out of me and most of the time it makes for a really good essay.

My English professor told me to 'write about someone who left you.'
But all I can think about is that nameless boy I met when I was fourteen

And, technically, I left him.

A few hours go by and it's almost midnight, but here I am still just staring at my desk.

I'm going to write it.
I'm going to write about nameless and turn it in.

Listen. Listen to me. I was 14 and I saw him. We met at the coffee shop in the bookstore.
I loved his eyes and how we had so much in common. We talked and talked and talked. We never ran out of things to talk about. But then as if it was a fairy tale and I was Cinderella, my clock struck 12 and my pumpkin carriage awaited me.
I told him bye and left. We didn't share names or personal information it was just us and things that interested us. We were one in those hours. But we lost it when my ride came to get me.
I lost a guy. It's simple really. When we're that young we think we know what love is and we believe in love at first sight. When I was fourteen I thought he was it for me. My nameless boy was so special and just to me. But as time passes and we tend to grow up, we lose the ones we think we love because in truth we don't know what love is.
In reality I don't think anyone really knows what love is. Love hurts. Love is happiness. Love is blind, tough, strong but in honesty those are emotions we feel and call love. I don't think love really exists. And if it did maybe kids at that age actually know what love is because it's pure. It's completely innocent. But I lost him. I lost my nameless boy.

I turn my essay in the next day and my professor wanted me to stay after class so he could speak to me.

"I'm not going to lie that didn't really go over well with me, but since it was well written I'll let it slide."

"Thank you sir."
"Don't make it a habit of disobeying what you're told to write."

"Yes sir."

"And I would like for you to know that maybe your nameless boy is here too."

"What do you mean sir ?"
"I had a young fellow who wrote an essay quite like yours, but with a nameless girl."

"Sir, it's been four years. I left my home city. There's no way that after high school and all the colleges in the world we ended up at the same one. "

"You never know fate has a weird sense of humor."
"Thank you, Mr. Blankthrone."
He just goes to his desk and grades papers while I go back to my dorm and think.

I think about my life and how weird I am and how weird my life is.

How I never knew my nameless boy's name.

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