Chapter 41

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I don't know what to tell him.

As I stand there in front of him with him on one knee, I got tired of it so I dropped down to my knees and hugged him.

"Erik, I can't marry you.."
I whisper.

And I feel him breaking. Or maybe that's just me, because I know, I've realized, I'm in love with him but marriage is too fast for us.

For me.

"Erik. I - I love you. But this marriage it I can't it's just that -"

"Emily, I know you're scared, I get it. I understand but we're not like your parents and their parents and their parents parents. We're us and we love each other and I know that your the love of my life. You're all I'll ever want."

I shake my head.
"What if someone better comes along?"

"No one better could come along because your all I want. I don't want anyone but you Emily. "

"We're still in the beginning of college. We have so many more years left. There will always be other girls for you.. Better girls."

"Emily, listen to me. I love you with all my heart, not anyone else, and if us just being engaged till we're out of college helps you, then we'll do that. Emily I can't live my life without you, you're my everything. You're all I want ever."

"It's so fast."

"I know, but please give us a chance."

A single tear runs down my cheek because I know I love Erik.

I stand up and grab Erik's hand, pulling him up, and take him to my car. I open the door and I give him the book.

The book that brought us together in the first place.

I saw recognition flash in his eyes and before I know it his lips are on mine and I can't help but kiss him back and that's when I give him my answer.

"Yes. Erik I'll marry you but let's finish college first."

He kisses me again and then he picks me up.

"Emily you just made me the happiest man ever to exist."

I laugh and hold on to him. After everything that had happened I couldn't believe we're at this point.

This was so fast like there wasn't even time to blink.

And now we're engaged.

This wasn't how I wanted everything to go but I'm glad it did and we still have three more years of school.

So I guess will see if we both pass the test.
Our love.

Will we last?
Or will we fall short ?

Only time will tell us what fate had in store for us.

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