Chapter five

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Trevor pov

After that encounter with Ryder, I could not sleep no matter what I did! I tried warm milk a shower and all the other home remidies but nope I did not sleep whatsoever. Most if the night I was pondering about how to win her back, like maybe I could... No no no. Maayybee.... Nope!nada and never! And no not oh we'll I have to get her back I miss her to much I can't just let her slip through my fingers again.

When I noticed it was 4:30am I knew I wasn't going to sleep and If I do I won't have long so why torture myself. U decided in a nice long shower.i walked into my dull normal bathroom it had a regular white sink with a regular shower/tub. After the long relaxing shower I decided I'll be out bright n early today. I was strong, I have a six pack,with deep deep brown straight hair that falls a but into my marvelous emerald eyes. I wore a tight navy blue v-neck with black skinnies and a chain and black shirt lakais along with my 3/16 black gages and nice dark grey jacket. I wonder what Ryder will do today,hmmmmm.


Ryder pov

I awoke at 5:00am to take an early shower in my updated bathroom. I slipped out if my pinky purple Domo boxer shorts and out if my brown tank top then out of my dark purple bra and undies. I put my I phone on shuffle and it played my happy song "express yourself" I put it on always play and let the shower rejuvenate my still quite sleepy body as I sang along as loud as u could to the song. After about 15 minutes if washing up an great singing I finally changed the song to "empire state of mind" jay-Z. As I rapped along to the song I dryer my body with my towel and blow dried my hair and the n the phone shuffles it to "don't stop the party" pitbull. I also learned most if the worlds languages from traveling, I can speak ( there are between 6500 and 6900 distinct languages) over 200 I lost count after visiting Cuba. Anyways after that finished it went to "i knew you were trouble" Taylor swift. I put on some mascara and light brown eye shadow making it look natural with a tint of gold on the top and I put on some really light pink lipstick. After I put my hair up in a tight pony tail letting some I my bangs hang over my right side if my fore head. I put on some pinky purple bra and undies. I finally decided on wearing a light blue v-neck and white super skinnies but they crunch up at the bottom with black and white lakais and my leather jacket. I was choosing my accessories when the song "try" by p!nk came on. I finally decided not to wear any different jewelry.

I turned if my phones music and flew down the stairs passing Trevor's room. I walked into the living room just in time to see the tv go to commercial dammit I wanted to watch sponge bob. Te I love sponge bob in the morning. I walk in to see my mom my boys and Trevor. 'Oh honey you have to take care I the boys rooms they need to go to the upgrades" she said to me the second I walk in. "Ugh... You guys are lucky I love you!" I say. "But I'll need a smoothie first,bin having a craving for smoothies and waffles" then every one burst out laughing. "Seriously" "o-ok" they all tried to say between laughs. "Ugh whatever..." I say with my voice trailing off "OMG ROGUES!" "MIND LINK EVEYONE GET THEM INSIDE AND IN BASMENTS OR SOMEWERE CLOSED AWAY" I said before leaping out the door and shifting mid air my wolf is now pretty large, well larger then most of the rogues. I was fighting three rogues snapping necks and throwing wolves left and right before I heard a whimper and looked to the right an saw five attacking Trevor and I got all defensive letting my wolf take all control. I leapt over on top of one if the wolves biting right behind the ears in the neck and twisting it to the left and the body went limo and I killed the rest before noticing that he was limo on the ground. I crawled over to him and tried to wake him but he wouldn't I then mind linked my mom -mom come quick get Trevor he was attacked but I killed the wolves but he's seriously injured-ok sweetie be there soon- then all if a sudden my moms grey wolf came barreling through and taking him -honey stay and fight ill take care if him-but...... Fine mom- they attack me on my land? They are all going DOWN!!!!! Then I let out a shrill howl and leaping towards one that had power radiating off them, must be the alpha, his sorry ass is going to hell. I had shifted into my human form thank The Lord I was alpha so I was still wearing clothes. I took out my special knife and poured wolf bane on it before lunging at him and barley got him on his leg he whimpered but turned to face me before lunged for me but I swiftly moved to the side then he changed back too. "We'll your the new alpha hmm never heard of a girl alpha?" "GET THE FUCK OFF MY LAND" "touchy touchy" "GRRRRRRR" came from behind us and I turned and saw it was my boys, good.they were in wolf form. I lunged at the alpha and got him on the arm just getting blood, wait shit wolfs bane only works in wolf form! I took out my other knife it's my BEST I made it specially more special than my special knife. I had specially crafted so it will hurt real bad. "By the way names danial" he said "and yours is?" "I'll tell you cuz it's the last one you'll hear!" "It's Julie" "really I wasn't born yesterday" "fine it's Ashlyn" "beautiful name" "thank you" and plastered a fake smile in my face before lunging at him an getting him square on the thigh point ryder! But he grabs me by the neck and punches my gut three times before he almost punches my gut but I grab his hand and flip over him making him lose his grip on me before badly spraining his wrist. He must have called then to retreat cuz thy all left quickly. "OMG GOTTA GO!!!" I scream and go faster than even wolfly possible. Probably cuz I got the extra strength from the wolves I killed (alpha get the energy from other wolves they kill) surging through my body.

I finally broke through the doors and almost died, he laid there in the bed with no shirt and nurses and doctors surrounding him and I finally bought a glimpse and literally died for a second. He was pouring blood and they were trying to stop the blood when a loud beep meaning his heart stopped and everyone stopped moving and then my boys burst through the door



Ohhhhh cliff hanger!!! Sorry but had to be done lol =P WILL UPDATE SOON ( the rogues alphas name is pronounced Dan-I- ale FYI)

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