Chapter seven

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I took off my blood spattered clothes and tore off my bra and undies to get ready for my shower, after today's events I am sooo tired I just needed a shower. I turned the water up as hot as I could stand it an filled up the tub instead.after it was filled up just enough and slowly stepped in. I let the steaming water relax me and let my mind wander.

After my lovely tub I got out and put on a fluffy grey towel and wrapped it around my body and walked into my room. I chose my black bra and undies and out on a adventure time girl boxer shorts and a white tank top.i crawled up the stairs to my full sized bed and uncovered my blankets and sheets and climbed in and fell asleep and had one of the bet sleeps I have ever had.


Trevor pov-

After she left I just stood there and stared some more. Then her friends went to go and left I just stood there until the doctor came over. "We'll sonny your very lucky" "how" "we'll that young girl over there saved you" "yea well that young girl is my mate but long story short hates me cu I the not mating thing and how I kept tryin to not have that large urge to..... Well anyways he fought me and left" "oh well sorry about that but listen if she really didn't care why would she save you?" Then he left I walked out to about five minutes later and went to my room ( Trevor's room: a nice full sized bed with navy blanket and navy striped sheets and a dark brown desk and white swivel chair. A nice plasma 40" tv. It has light blue walls and a bathroom it has a regular shower/tub and toilet and sink and cabinets the walls are a silver.a regular light hangs from the ceiling. He has a dresser it is a beautiful dark brown wood) I walked in and went a plopped right down on my bed. Later I decided I get some sleep and went under the covers and slept.


Ryder pov-

I woke up feeling great... Then yesterday's memories flooded my mind and I was all grumpy so I got out of bed walked down the steps and slipped off y clothing and went into the shower and let it wake up and soothe my tense muscles and I finally got out after shaving and washing with my vanilla shampoo/conditioner and tropical scented body wash. I put on a white bra and undies and blow dried my hair and straightened it and put on mascara and light pink lipstick and clear lipgloss. Lastly I went into my closet(I didn't have enough space in the drawers) I took out a white v-neck and a black beanie hat and put it on I found some light grey skinnys that scrunch at the bottom and some black an white Osiris' and took out a dark grey skating sweat shirt. I grabbed the last skate board with the music artists names on it and the white long board and put them in my back packs special straps for them and headed down stairs with blow horn and air horn in hand an walked into Taylor's room and put the air horn on the blow horn for added affect and and pressed the button and seeing him jump up and out I bed in a ramble until he saw me and went to attack but I held up a finger stopping him in his tracks "I said you were in trouble back in brazil" "really you waited THAT long?" "Yup to catch you off guard and you wouldn't expect it" "ugh we're yah going?" "Oh to the skate park" "can I join and the others" "sure yea if you got ur boards with ya cuz I'm not lending the lat time I did you broke it in half" "I know i know" "I gotta get the others up" I say with a creepy smile while thrumming my fingers on the air horn and blow horn and slowly backing out the door.i walk out and towards the others rooms and remember I have to give them their new rooms guess that's for later. I walk down stairs and into the kitchen after waking up the 'men' I just call 'em my boys but they always argue they're not boys and I say same diff. I walk into the kitchen while listening to my happy song "express yourself" and I see Trevor sitting in the breakfast table chair eating some fruit loops. "Sooo" I say walking to the fride gettin milk and grabbing some frosted flakes from the cabinet. And eat it sitting on the counter. My boys come in five minutes later and I wait while they eat like pigs. "Guys hurry that's like your nineteenth bowl!!" I yell at them "wow take a chill pill" says worsen "after you" I say slyly. After they finally we finish we he'd towards the door "I'm driving" I yell "ok" they all mumble and we walk over to the red GTO and I turn the station 94.5 on super Lou and roaring the engine to life before taking off towards the skate park.



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