Chapter nine

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"There and there" he said as he finished the tattoo. "Thank you George" "no problem anything for my friends" I hugged him an left with my boys. They were quiet the whole way back. We got out and headed toward the door but I peeped up. "Why are you guys so quiet?" "Well maybe it's cuz we might want to make some more friends but you won't let us cuz of your problems!" Taylor roared "we'll sorry I thought you guys were my friends and if I were such a burden why didn't you tell me earlier!!!" I yell back and run off with tears threatening to spill. I ran all the way to my sound proof room before climbing up to my bed and weeping out my eyes all night.

The next morning I found my self above the covers with red puffy eyes an stuffy nose and then I heard a knocking at y door and grabbed my conveniently place air horn and yelped "who is it?" Lucky enough that it didn't crack or come out squeaky. "It's me... Will" "are you here to yell too?!" It came out more harsh than I wanted. "No" was his simple answer. "So can I come in?" "Fine" he opens the door and climbed up and sat at the edge of my mattress. "Do you feel the same as them" "well.... No not really I think he is just, he is worried that hell never find his mate and you are well..." "We'll what?" I say my eyes like staples. "We'll you kinda make u leave places soon or pull us away" "what do you mean" I say kind of hurt. "Ummm well you kin of tye him down I guess as he says it" "oh do you think so too?" "We'll not really you already know about my mate and I have you guys as my family" "why can't they see it like you?" He gave me a sympathetic shrug and left but before closing the door "hey Ryder you might want to know he went to your special tree" "ok" I said then e left. I got down and went to my bathroom and stripped off my clothes and let the water run so it heats up and started playing "day n nite" and putting it on shuffle. I got in and washed while the song went to "embrace the Martian" when I turned off the water and wrapped a white towel around my body and a gray one around my hair it changed to "Donald trump" as I rapped along I decided to put my hair in a bun and put on mascara an a light lipstick. And then it changed to "gold digger" and I grabbed it and walked towards my closet and opening the door. I chose to wear a pair of white jeans with black and white checkered suspenders and a dark get v-neck and my black Beanie hat, I hid my bun under the Beanie hat but made sure some o my bangs hung low above my left side of my face but not all of it looking kinda loose ad I grabbed a plastic ban that said "original" on it it was an off white with vintage red writing and I put on my nerdy fake glasses. I grabbed my bag and put on the skate board and long board from yesterday. I walk out and notice that he must've walked there or got a ride so I got in the drivers seat and revved the engine and sped off.

When I arrived the song "try" by pink just finished. I took my I phone off and walked I over to the door and opener it an walked in I immediately saw Taylor at my tree just sitting there... Crying? I got on my skate board and rode over to him and stopping about five feet away from him.i popped it into my hand and walked over to him and coughed for his attention and he looked up and his eyes were red and puffy and I saw a tear trickle down his face I frowned at his appearance. "I'm sorry" he croaked out. "I'm sorry too" I say "I shouldn't do that to you guys I'm really sorry" "me too I shouldn't have yelled at you and I didn't mean what I said" I bent down and hugged him and he hugged me back. "I'm so so sorry Ryder" "I am too" I let go and he looks happier "now that that's all cleared up want to go long board?" I say "yarp" we both run at human speed until we are on the track runnin up to the top until I get min linked by Derrick my third in command saying someone new was here it was a girl and she was in really bad shape and wants to be let in and just stay for a few days. "Taylor we gotta go Derrick just mind linked me" "ok let's ride down its faster" so we ride down and we use our werewolf strength to push to go faster and our reflexes to not like die or anything.

When we reach the bottom I put the long board on my back pack and we ran to the car and drove home.


Trevor pov

When I saw her hugging Luke who must've jut gotten back from brazil I couldn't take it I growled a lee acing growl. Then she looked angry and told me off then walked away then later I see her coming out of the forest with that other kid angry she glared at me then left. I didn't see her until the next day at the skate park again I also say taylor at "her tree" as said by everyone. They must've had a fight and just made up. I saw them leave quickly so I decide I'd follow I got in my 250 California Ferrari. I raced back to the house.



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