Rejected for nothing

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I am Ryder,

My mate had rejected me three years ago, so I left never came back never thought of them until I got a call from my mom. My father had died, her mate, the alpha.since I'm the first an only child of the packs alpha I'm naturally the new alpha of the forest shadow pack. Lets have a flash back of what happened three years ago.


I was walking up to my 'friend' Trevor I had bought him a gift for his 16th birthday when he would find his mate, I wonder who the lucky girls is, anyways I had bought him a I phone 4 since he had broken his phone... Again. I had also got him some candy skull ear buds and I home to go along with it since this is such a special occasion.

So I ran and gave him a surprise attack and did a flip over him an the hugged him, he didn't know I used to take gymnastics,lol. "Whoa" the I noticed the unmistakable shocks raking all the way through my body. "Y-y-your m-my m-m-mate" I whispered almost not talking at all. "Yes , don't be worried my sweet, it's all ok,"


I was coming over to see him so my wolf would finally shut up, gawd she's such a nag when it comes to mates, so when I walk in I am instantly hit with Cindy's smell,WTF!!!!! I walk up the stairs it scent getting stronger and I hear moans so when I opened the door I see him with Cindy the girl he supposedly broke up with. "Why?" Is all I can get out before I break into tears as they snap their heads towards me, Trevor with pure shock and worry but I ran before any one of them could utter a single word. I ran out with Trevor yelling after me trying to get me to stop so when he grabs my arm I yell in his face. "YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU, I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCH ME AGIAN I WILL CUT OFF YOU BALLS AND SHOVE THEM SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU WILL DIE IF CONSTPATION AND WHEN YOU DIE I WILL BURY YOU IN AN UN MATKED GRAVE OR DUMP YOU IN THE DESERT, THEN EVERY TIME I THINK OF IT I WILL LAUGH MY ASS OFF!!!!" I ran home into my fathers arms and cried and cried and.... Demanded that I be allowed to go away and travel the world to clear my head, so I finally got then to let me and I left the next Tuesday for Italy.


I walked into my first class since the incident on Friday. I walked into home room and spotted him and Cindy in the back making out, guess he wasn't really sorry for what he did. So I decided to go up to him and say "huh well I guess you aren't that sorry, you sorry excuse if a bastard" and no I don't know we're my sudden confidence and hard assness is coming from.the day went by and I got home and took all of my stuff I packed to the front door so ill be ready tomorrow when I get up at 1:00 am so I can get on my pane at 3:30 am, we live kinda really far from the air port.

I was woken by my retarded alarm clock that ,no matter what I do, will not shut up so I grabbed it and threw it across the room so hard I infact smashed it into little pieces, my mom came bursting through my door so fats I didn't see her come in at all. "Sweetie we have something for you, it's this I phone 4s with adventure head phones and ear buds, I home that charges it and changes color, and this..." She trailed off handing me a purse and when I opened it my eyes almost popped right out of their sockets. "It's the least we could do for our poor baby" she said "it's $900,000" she said "and plus on that credit card is another 1,000,000""WHAT?!?!?!" I practically yell at the top of my lungs, that's over 1.5 million its 1.9 million for gods sake "it's too much" I say "no it's not sweetie pie" "oh and-" "mom not more" I screech "any who I have a special back pack for you and I a. Having my friend Charlize's son Taylor tag along with some of his friends" she whispered barley audible. "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" I all bit then I got into my moms really nice red Audi R8 and we drove off to the air port.

When I arrived I walked over to my mom and kissed her good bye "oh sweetie they will be holding a sign with your name on it just so ya know" she said then drive off.

Then I found my name on a sign with four gorgeous guys with it, the one holding it must be Taylor, Charlize's son, he had light brown hair crawling its way over his light icy eyes. Then another with blonde spiked hair with deep hazel eyes and one with deep brown hair an brown mellow eyes and the last with jet Black hair and bright green eyes. I walked up to them and said "hi I'm ryder, you all are?" "I'm Taylor"Taylor said "I'm william, but call me will" sai the one with black hair. "I'm Derrick" said brown eyes "and I'm worren" said blondy. Then we walked through boarded the plane and I left my worries and stress behind.


Now I'm going home, to all of my haters and bullies, but now I've changed, I've become a bad ass and don't take shit from nobody, I'm not the push over need that I was before, my hair Is now pitch black, my eyes are the same almost white blue that were always except I have more of a blue now. Ply I have tattoos and piercings. Piercings: one on my lip a gage and four on each ear, one up top three on my lobe.tattoos: an anchor and a helm it says guide me in the right direction but don't hold me down on my thighs a army sign because for the last year I joined the U.S. marines and fought all year in Iraq. Yea I did join the army, yes I did get drafted to Iraq. And the last is what I am getting soon, one after my father he had a Mickey Mouse because his name is Mickey and it was his nick name. Now I'm in brazil when I got the call from my mom saying my father had died and have persuaded my boys to come with me back home. "You guys done packing we have to go NOW!!!!" I tell so loud I hear a glass cup brake,lol. "Gawd Ryder calm down" "NEVER TELL ME TO CALM DOWN TAYLOR LEE LAVALLEE" "ohhhh man she used your full name your in trouble" Derrick said to Taylor and yes yes he is, after we had met in Italy they tougher me how to fight like a boss I'm the best out of all of us I have gone around beating the best alphas ever and I know that my pack knows about it all if the werewolves respect me even alphas.

On our way to the air port all I could think about was my dad and how sad and how horrible of a state she is in, I feel so bad for her I hope she makes it with our him, mates usually don't make it once the other dies.



More is to come tonite so don't worry and plz vote and comment I promise I won't leave notes often since I k ow you ppl just want to get to the story so yea that's it!=P

I have started a re written version, named "what did I do?" I will publish it around late February or early march. I want to get the epilogue and some chapters already written before i publish it so it doesn't take forever for me to update.

I hope you all enjoyed this, but my new book will be better. this was one of my first books I wrote so it was rushed and confusing. this new one will be way better. it will mostly stick to the same plot, you know rejected, runs off, gets taken in and are called in for help from the her old pack.

I hope you will read the new one and enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing for you guys!

- shadows911

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