Ep 3: Settling In

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I sighed, walking towards the window of the room. This is gonna be my new life until I decided to go back. "I should start with revising my Chinese..." I thought. Fortunately I had remembered all my language books from my university. Never thought I would be looking at those again... I should pick up my language quickly if I want to survive here! I am pretty sure I can handle it well~! I grabbed my phone and finally put it on. "Omo..." I gasped, looking at all the notifications raining on my phone. "O-One thousand messages?" I said, not believing my eyes, "And all these missed calls..." "He must've gone crazy," said a voice, from the door. "Kun," I said, looking up.

"Honestly though... I would've gone crazy too," he said, walking in and sitting down beside me. "Now you're making me feel guilty," I mumbled. "Did I? I didn't mean to," he said, plainly. "Zhen de?" I said, trying my Chinese on him. "你在学习," he said. (That's 'you are learning') "Uhm... Can you repeat it... Slowly?" I said. He repeated his sentence slowly and I nodded. "我在尝试," I said. (I'm trying) (Note: That's all google translate and I don't know how correct it is.) Kun smiled and said, "That's good." I grinned and he said, "You should get your currency exchanged soon too... Then you can go on a job-hunt." I nodded. "Good night then! You must be tired from your flight," he said. "Yeah..." I said. 

~Next Day~

Yangyang accompanied me to get my money exchanged. "You didn't have to come," I said. "I am a good citizen too," he said, laughing. I shook my head at that and sighed, "You guys are really nice." He did a small bow and said, "Of course we are." "Where are you planning to go for an interview?" he asked after a while of silence. I shrugged and said, "I dunno..." "How about trying for the Lu group?" he suggested, "I mean they are the best in China." "Will they hire me?" I wondered. "They might," he said, "You are a Seoul university graduate after all." "But it's been a while since I graduated," I reminded him. "That might be a problem... But still, what's wrong with giving it a shot! They won't kill you if you don't pass the interview you know," he said. I hummed in response as we walked towards his bike. 

"So, you want to go to the Lu group?" he asked, as I climbed on behind him. "I don't know," I said, uncertainly. "Just say the word and I will take you there," he said. "Just like this?" I said and he nodded, "Okay then! Let's go!" "Nice!" he said, starting the engine, "Hold tight then!" I held him tightly at once. This guy drives the bike as though he wants it to fly, meaning he drives too fast. I could hardly look around and within fifteen minutes, we were in front of a huge building. I read the words written in Chinese on the building. "Lu Group?" I said. "That's right," said Yangyang, "The CEO is Lu Han." I bit my lower lip nervously. "Just go in and ask for an interview," he said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes! Now go," he said, pushing me towards the building. 

It must've been the worst day of my life. I was literally sweating from nervousness as I talked with the receptionist. "祝你今天过得愉快," she said, smiling as I walked out, bowing. (Have a nice day) "What happened?" Yangyang asked, eagerly when I came out. "They don't have any place on their Software team right now," I said, hugging the front of his bike. I looked at myself in the mirror of the bike and said, "I look absolutely stupid." "No you don't," he said, pulling me off his bike, "The timing was not very good, that's all." "Whatever," I murmured, pushing back my hair. "Yah! Don't be so disappointed! You can try at some other company!" he said. I nodded and said, "Let's go home."

"How about having lunch out instead?" he asked, "I will pay!" "You don't have to," I said. "But I will," he said, getting on his bike again, "Get on, baby bear~" "Baby bear?" I said, in disbelief. He chuckled and said, "I just thought of that!" "Wow..." I muttered, getting on behind him, "Can you drive it slower though?" "One speed only," he said and I rolled my eyes. "Fine!" I said. 

Sehun's POV

(Yes. His POV finally😂😂)

Since I didn't want to get kicked by Baekhyun-hyung, my feet ended up dragging me to the office. "Lalisa Manoban, get my files," I said, unenthusiastically. No reply. "LISA," I yelled, my chin on my desk. "Did you need something?" came a male voice. I looked around to see a guy peeking inside my cabin. "Who are you?" I asked. "Oh," he said, walking in, "I am sorry I didn't introduce myself. I am Lee Taeyong, your new secretary." "What about Lisa?" I asked. "She was fired," he replied politely. "What? By whom?" I asked. "Madam Oh came over earlier and fired her," he replied. "That woman... What else?" I asked. "Madam Oh appointed her as Director Yun's secretary instead and she appointed me to be yours. I will work hard, sir," he said, bowing. I sighed. I don't want to stir up trouble right away. 

"Okay... So umm... What am I doing today?" I asked. "You have a meeting scheduled with the Im group today, a dinner with Miss. Jeong and-" he said. "DINNER WITH WHO?!" I screamed. He looked a bit startled and said, "Miss. Jeong Saemi... Mrs. Oh planned it for you." "I am not going. Do anything you can and have it cancelled," I said, "Just arrange a meeting with all the directors and cancel it." "Okay sir," he said. He was about to leave when I said, "Taeyong..." "Yes?" he said. "Can you please get some headache pills for me?" I asked. "Do you not feel well, sir?" he asked. "Hangover," I replied darkly and he stared at me. "I have it for you, you idiot," said Baekhyun's voice, "Taeyong, just cancel that dinner." Taeyong bowed and left. "Hyung," I said, looking at Baekhyun pitifully. 

"Don't give me that look," he said, "Here's your hangover pill." I gulped down the pill and looked at him with a pout. "Do I have to work today?" I asked. "Of course," said Baekhyun, "That's the only thing to distract you anyway. You can't drown yourself in sorrow." "I can," I said. "Then that's disappointing," he said. I sighed and said, "Fine... Let me work then!" "Better," he said, smiling. I looked at my phone after he was gone. My messages weren't even seen yet... Is she going to ignore me forever?

~To be continued~

I am gonna put the translations in brackets or maybe I will write the things said in Chinese in italics or something... Anyway, thank you for reading~! Wo ai ni❤

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