Ep 6: His Pearl

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"Misa, did Oh Sehun get married recently?" I asked, my eyes wandering up to Sehun's face. An elegant smile graced his lips and his eyes sparkled like pretty orbs, his sharp jawline standing out just as it always had. "I never heard any news of that sort," said Misa. "Just drive on," I said, tearing my eyes away from the addicting sight of Oh Sehun. I had never realized I was this hungry to see him again until now... "I will ask someone to find out about the kid," said Misa and I nodded. I wouldn't blame him if he found happiness with someone else... What had I expected? For him to wait for me? "I am stupid," I muttered. 

We had soon reached our new office building- new for me, I mean. "He's not married," said Misa as I looked around my cabin. "Then the kid...?" I said. "No one knows," said Misa, "He popped up at his house one day with the kid and declared that he would be the heir of the Oh group after him." I stared at the floor, wondering what to make out of this. "They want an appointment with me," said Misa, suddenly. "Who?" I asked. "Oh Sehun's assistant texted me," said Misa, "They want to strike a deal." "Hmm..." I hummed, a thought forming in my head. I hadn't come back to Korea just for time pass now, had I? 

"Should I plan a meeting?" Misa asked. "You most certainly should and this time, I am going," I said, sitting back on the black, revolving chair. "You are going to reveal your identity?" Misa asked, her eyes wide. "Yes," I said, "Prepare for the meeting well, will you? I have a plan." "Sure," said Misa. I had never revealed my identity in ten years. I worked as Pearl wherever I went. But now, Y/N L/N needs to make a come back. "I will make the preparations then," said Misa, bowing.

I sat there, thinking about the past years. "What name would you like to go by?" I had taken some time to answer that question. As to why my answer was 'Pearl', it still comes back to Sehun. 


"Why? Why would it be me?" I said, looking at the ground. "Are you really taking those girls' words to your precious heart right now?" Sehun asked, cupping my face and making me look up at him again. "It was true," I said, "What am I even? I have no social standing, nothing extraordinary... I am just... me." "You have my heart," he said, "Those girls talked about gems, didn't they? Let me tell you this then. My life is like an oyster- I am hurt and full of sand, but you are my pearl. Without you, my life can be discarded without a second thought."

~Flashback ends~

I put my head on the table with a sigh. "He certainly knows how to talk," I said. I never once contacted him in ten years... Did he possibly think I forgot about him or that I didn't miss him? There wasn't a day when I hadn't remembered him. There wasn't a day where I hadn't shed a tear for him. There wasn't a minute where he wasn't in the back of my mind. But did he forget me again? I want to find out. 

Sehun's POV

"BOSS!" yelled Taeyong suddenly, running inside the cabin. "What happened?" I asked, calmly. "Miss. Pearl! She has agreed to meet you in person!" said Taeyong, almost jumping up and down. "She has?" I said, blinking, "But I thought she never revealed her identity." "She doesn't, but her assistant contacted us saying she wanted to meet you!" "Wow... When's the meeting scheduled for?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning!" said Taeyong. I was a bit curious as to why she would suddenly want to reveal the identity she had hidden for years... I should prepare well for whatever she is thinking. This is a great opportunity!

~Next day~

I was up early, getting ready for the meeting. My mom had somehow been informed about this and she was way more excited than me. "You totally should ask her out on a date!" she chirped happily, "I bet she likes you! Why else would she meet you herself!" "It's a business meeting, mom," I reminded her. "You need to get married!" she said. "Why? You already have little Sehun to be our heir," I said. "Heir, my foot," she muttered, "That bastard was kicked out of our family!" I paused when she said this and took a deep breath, trying not to snap at her. I need to be in a good mood. "I will see you for dinner," I said, walking out of my house. 

I got inside my car and took more breaths. My blood was boiling from my mum's words. She hadn't accepted little Sehun as a family member either... I think she has a thing for people I love. She never accepts them. But he is just a child too... I shook my head and glanced at the mirror, straightening my tie. "Let's focus on the meeting!" I told myself, starting the car's engine.

 "Let's focus on the meeting!" I told myself, starting the car's engine

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"Misa, are you ready?" I asked, walking downstairs to see her already waiting for me. She bowed and said, "Yes, ma'am. We are all set to leave." "Good," I said, "I am really nervous about meeting him again..." "You look amazing, ma'am," said Misa, "Just be confident." "Do I? Well, I just went with my sense," I said, anxiously. "Your sense is amazing then," said Misa. I grinned and said, "Let's go then~" 


"But Sehunnie, if ever we get separated and then met again, will our feelings still be the same?" I wondered as we gazed at the stars, lying on the lawn on his house's rooftop, "And if they are how would we know?" "First, we won't be separated," said Sehun, looking at me, "And if we do... Well, we can tell things haven't changed." "How?" I asked as he smiled. He took my hand in his and said, "Look at my eyes." I did and he continued, "If our eyes meet just like this-" He put my hand on his chest, "And if our hearts still beat in a sync- just like now- we can be sure that our feelings are still the same." "Woah," I mumbled, "That's..." "Amazing? Just like me then," he said, with a wink.

~Flashback ends~

I wonder if our eyes will meet like that or if our hearts will still be in sync, Hun-ah... I can only find out.

~To be continued~

I didn't describe the dress-up or anything because I want you guys to go with what you like~ I always thought that people made the female lead's style the same after coming back after a long time and I kinda rolled my eyes at that😅 So yeah, I thought all of you should go by what YOU think is really cool and how you would like to see yourself~ Thanks for reading~! Love ya❤

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