Ep 8: Don't You Believe Me?

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Sehun's POV

I quickly parked my car and rushed out running in the rain. My mind was only focused on one thing- the fact that I was late by two hours and that I had to RUSH. I didn't even realize someone else was running too and bumped into a lady hard. She screamed and my eyes widened as I caught her by her waist before she could fall down. The cold rain had already drenched me from top to bottom. The girl's hair hid her face but she seemed to have gotten over her shock. She shook her hair out of her face and I almost thought I was crazy but then she looked up at me and her eyes widened too. Cold wind blew her hair back and everything else paused...

Y/N, it's you... As I held her by her waist, her eyes met mine and I was lost in their warm depth. I felt her hand travel over my chest to where my heart was beating at a fast pace and a smile appeared on her lips, which were calling out for me to capture them. "Nothing changed," she said, softly. Every sense of mine was focused on her- my eyes finally seeing her after ten long years, my skin feeling her warm gentle touch, her pleasant scent reminding me of why I was alive. I love you. I missed you. Those words aren't enough... But she seemed to understand how I felt, as though we were talking to each other even though none of us said a word. 

I realized that we were standing in the rain after a minute. I quickly took off my suit and put it over her head and took her hand in mine, where it belonged. Without a word, I pulled her along to my car and she let me until her phone began ringing. I looked at her as she muttered, "Misa..." She picked up quickly and I heard the voice of a girl clearly, "Yah! I am already at the car! Where are you?! You are the one driving!" "I am afraid you would have to drive yourself home," she said and I smiled internally. She hung up and then looked at me. I opened the door for her and she got in without hesitation. I wished I had brought my chauffer as I got in the driver's seat.

I wanted to sit next to her in the back seat, holding her hands in mine. Should I still call a substitute driver? "Where are you going to take me?" she asked, quietly. Now that she was in front of me, the ten years that had passed seemed like ten seconds. I didn't care where we went- I could travel the whole universe holding her hand. "Home," I replied, starting the engine. "Hurry up then," she said, and my breathing got rougher as I looked at her. "The car broke down," I said, without a thought. "Huh?" she said, looking surprised. "Let's get a taxi," I said, without blinking. 

She frowned but said, "We can take my car. I have a... friend with me." Can I sit with you then? I don't think so... I started the engine without another word and I could feel her stare on me. Time flew as we headed to my house. "You got a new house," she noted. "Yeah..." I said, getting out of the car and going to her side to open the door for her, but she had already stepped out. She winced slightly and I asked, "Are you okay?" "It's just my ankle," she murmured and I lifted her up in my arms at once. "Take the keys," I said, "They are in the jacket pocket." She took out my house keys and opened the lock at once. 

I placed her down on the sofa and sat down on the floor in front of her. "Are you really real?" I asked, blinking. "You are wondering about that after you brought me home?" she asked, laughing her pretty laugh. My mind was frozen just with her presence. She was really here. I don't even want to check if it's a dream. I stood up and she quickly stood up too. I cupped her face with both of my hands and stroked her cheek gently with my thumb. I had too many things to say but I couldn't say anything, except, "You are back..." She just smiled. "How have you been?" she asked and I chuckled shaking my head.


"You are really asking me that?" he asked, pulling me closer to himself so that there was no gap between us. "Mianhe," I said, but I couldn't stop smiling after seeing him. I hadn't expected to bump into him at all when I did and now I feel so happy. "Look at you smiling," he said, a small smile tugging at his lips. "It's good to be back," I said. "Why did you leave me?" he asked. I took a deep breath. I had expected this question and I had planned how to answer it properly for about a thousand times, but now that he had actually asked it, I didn't know what to say. 

"I... just..." I said. "Answer me," he said, in a deeper voice, "I want a reason." "I wanted to be... worthy of you," I said, looking away from his eyes. "Why do you always consider yourself unworthy?!" he snapped, "Do you have any idea how much I missed you? I almost went crazy! You wouldn't even text me back!" I hung my head, letting him talk. "Look at me!" he said and I looked up at him again to see his eyes filled with tears. "I am disappointed if that was your only reason," he said, shaking his head. "Why? Why are you disappointed? Can't I do what I always wanted? Why should I always be the one waiting for you?" I said, feeling my own eyes filling up too.

Sehun's POV

My eyes widened when she said that and continued, "I always wanted to travel, Sehun... I waited in Korea for you when you went abroad." "I waited for you too!" I retaliated. "Did you?" she asked, stepping away from me suddenly. "Yes," I said, feeling a bit offended, "I waited for you!" "I heard you... nothing," she said, turning away. What's this about? "Don't you believe me?" I asked, in disbelief. I stared at her back as she won't say a word. "Y/N?" I said, in a shaky voice, "Do you not... love me anymore?"

~To be continued~

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