Ep 10: Secret

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"You finally got to that question," I said, grinning. He raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Should I just tell you or should I not...?" I said, with a small smirk. "What do you mean?" he asked, making a sound of disbelief, "Are you gonna keep it a secret from me or something?" "I didn't mean to... But now I want to~" I said, a mischievous thought popping in my mind. "Whaa! I can't believe this! I literally meet you after ten years and you want to keep another secret from me?" he said, shaking his head. I shrugged and said, "Anyway, I have some business to attend to! I should head back to my uhh house." 

I got up, straightening my hair and said, "My phone please?" I was definitely not mistaken if I thought he wouldn't let me leave this early. "You want to leave already?" he asked, and I was reminded of the many times I couldn't resist his puppy eyes, "Did you not miss me?" "Has it really been ten years?" I wondered aloud, "You are still the same!" He winked and said, "I am just back because you are here again." I couldn't help but smile when he said that. "Well," I said, "I would stay but what about you?" Oh yes! I can lure him out with Misa's help!

"Can you at least gimme my phone so that I can postpone my work?" I said. He handed me my phone and I texted Misa, "Hold another meeting in the evening with Oh Sehun." "Are you texting him?" Sehun asked in a slightly sulky voice. "Whom?" I questioned, looking up. "That guy who called in the morning?" he said. "Lee Mark? Nope!" I said, "Why? Are you jealous of him? Don't worry! He's just a friend!" "If you say so-" began Sehun but my phone began to ring. "Kun-ge!" I exclaimed, "Damn! I forgot to contact him!" 

Sehun's POV

Another 'him'? I watched Y/N pick up the video call and I had to accept the fact- the man was very handsome indeed. "Y/N! 你还好吗? (Are you okay?)" he said and I blinked. Chinese? "是的!我只是忘了给你打电话!" (Yes! I just forgot to call you!) Y/N replied. When did she get so good at Chinese? I could hardly catch what she was saying. She seemed pretty excited as she spoke rapidly. What exactly did she do in those ten years?


"Kun-ge! 我遇见了他! (I met him)," I said. Kun-ge smiled and asked, "Can you show me?" I nodded and turned the camera to Sehun who was looking a bit down. "Hunnie, he's Qian Kun!" I said, brightly, "Kun-ge, Oh Sehun." "Nice to meet you," said Kun-ge, "I heard a lot about you." "You did?" Sehun asked. "I can say that Y/N thought about you all the time when she was in China," said Kun-ge and I nagged, "你为什么要告诉他? (Why are you telling him that?)" He totally ignored me and continued talking to Sehun, "I know everything about you. I hope I don't have to fly to Korea." 

"What do you mean?" Sehun asked. "Kun-ge," I said, warningly. I know exactly what is going on in his head. "If you hurt my sister again, you are dead," he said, a dire look on his face. Sehun blinked a few times and then said, "What sister?" "Kun-ge! I told you not to do that!" I said, in an annoyed tone. To be honest though... I wasn't annoyed at all. Kun-ge and I had grown really close to each other and I knew he cared for me deeply. Just looking at him through the phone made me feel safe. "Y/N L/N," He declared, "She's my sister." 

There were some noises in the background and I said, "Are those Yukhei and Yangyang's voices?" uncertainly. Kun-ge shook his head and said, "I will call you later." He hung up and I wondered, "Woah! Those boys are still chaotic." "Y/N... You had a brother?" Sehun asked. "I didn't," I said, "But I met Kun-ge in China. I used to live with him and the boys." "B-Boys?" said Sehun, "You..." "Yah! Don't misunderstand!" I said, "They just took me in!" 

Sehun looked down and I felt slightly worried. "You are the only one for me," I said, "Please don't-" "I know," said Sehun, smiling at me, "I just... I want to know what you went through and how you have been..." You will know. But not right now. I want it to be a bit of a surprise. But did he perhaps forget everything about the meeting with me because he met me? "What were you doing there by the way?" I asked, "You were running pretty fast!" 

Sehun blinked a few times and then cursed. "I had to meet Miss. Pearl there!" he exclaimed. "Huh?! Have you been going on dates?" I asked, trying to sound as dramatic as possible. "NO!" he said at once, "It was a business meeting! But I am totally in trouble... I was late to the meeting because Sehun got lost in a mall." "So that was why..." I murmured. He did not hear me as he seemed a bit troubled. "I should let Taeyong know..." he said, running a hand through his hair nervously, "Y/N, I have to make a call!" "Go ahead," I said. 

I dialed Misa's number as soon as Sehun left. Misa picked up at the first ring and exclaimed, "Y/N, you little fox! You left me alone yesterday!" "I met Sehun! Anyway, I would come back to the house somehow! Arrange another meeting with Oh group!" "Okay," she said, in an annoyed tone. I hung up and then went to Sehun's room to look for my clothes. I scratched my head a bit embarrassedly when I spotted them lying all over the floor. I quickly dressed up and headed downstairs to find him still on a call. 

"I am really sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" he was saying, "What? You got another message? Oh okay! I will make it on time." He hung up quickly and jumped slightly when he saw me. "I need to go," we both said at the same time, "It's urgent!" 

~To be continued~

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