Ep 9: Missing Parts

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The image of Sehun and the kid in the park had stayed in the back of my mind. He resembled Sehun so much... "Wait a minute!" I said, turning around as something clicked me, "Was the kid Seyeon-oppa's? Did you find him?" "Kid?" said Sehun, frowning, "You saw him?" "Yeah... I saw you two in a park when I first came back to Korea," I said, pouting. He chuckled and said, "Did you possibly think he was mine?" "Of course," I said, "He looks so similar to you, but now that I think about it, Seyeon-oppa looked similar to you too." "He did," said Sehun, with a faraway look. "Did you really find him?" I asked, excitedly.

"Why? Do you still like him?" Sehun asked, making a face. "Yah! I told you a thousand times I never liked him," I said. "You almost kissed him that day!" said Sehun, shaking his head. "I thought it was you duh!" I said, "Then he has to be Seyeon-oppa's kid~" "What if I say he's mine?" Sehun asked, turning serious suddenly. I blinked and looked down. "I wouldn't blame you," I mumbled. I had felt happy knowing it wasn't Sehun's child and that he had actually waited for me but... "Just kidding," said Sehun and I looked up to see him controlling his laughter.

"Yah! This isn't funny!" I said, "Is he your son or not?" "He does call me 'appa'," said Sehun, looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Oh Sehun!" I whined, hitting his arm lightly. "But yeah, he is Seyeon-hyung's son," Sehun continued, bending in front of my face, his eyes lit with playfulness and a smile on his face. I know I was smiling brightly too. "I missed you," I said, hugging him tightly, "I know you must be angry with me but... I just had to do this." "I am not angry anymore," he said, hugging me back tightly as he placed his chin on my shoulder. "I'm sorry," I said. "No... I am sorry," he said, "I am glad you are back. But you have to tell me where you went!" "I went everywhere~" I said, looking up at him with a smile. "Really?" he asked and I nodded.

"There's one place you haven't been to yet," he said. "Hmm? I personally think there are more than one places but which one are you referring to?" I asked. "My bedroom," he said, with a straight, serious face, "You have to see it." I gulped and said, "I guess... You did move into a new house... Haha you can show me around." "You know I don't just mean to look around," he said, cupping my cheek with his right hand, "I don't intend to remove my lips from your body tonight Y/N." Just like that, he swept me off my feet and our lips met in a passionate kiss that felt just right.

~Next morning (A/N: I am not a smut page. Use your imagination :P)~

Sehun's POV

I felt happy after a long time as I cooked breakfast for us. Y/N was still sleeping and I did not have the heart to wake her up while she slept like a cute puppy. Without knowing I began singing as I remembered her flushed face from last night. My Y/N-ie is such a cutie~ I was almost done when a song began playing from somewhere. I frowned and began looking around to find Y/N's phone lying on the sofa. I picked it up and saw the caller ID. "Mork?" I said, tilting my head to the side as the phone kept ringing. Why is this person face-timing her right in the morning? I picked up the call and held it up. "Y/N-ie~ Good morning!" said a guy appearing on the phone screen.

I clenched my jaw and asked, "Who are you?" quite politely. "I should ask you that," he said, pointing at me. "I-" I began, but then I heard Y/N walking down and quickly hung up. "Was that Mark?" she asked, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. "Who is that?" I asked. "I met him in Canada," she replied. She was dressed in a hoodie of mine and she looked so adorable that I couldn't even ask her why he called her so early. "That smells good," she said, sniffing, "Did you learn to cook?" "Yeah," I said, shortly.


Everything was smooth until Sehun asked, "There's one thing I don't get." "What's that?" I asked, looking up. "You said something about your parents before you left..." he said, "I tried to find out, but I just found out that they died in a car crash. Nothing else." I chuckled humorlessly and said, "She covered it up well then." "Can you please tell me what you mean by that?" Sehun asked, slowly. "I most certainly can," I said, my mouth going in a thin line as I remembered about my parents, "But are you sure you want to hear about this?" "Yes," he said, taking my hand from across the table, "Now that you are back, I don't want us to part ever again and for that, I want to know all the missing pieces." Missing pieces you say... Why do I feel that those pieces are better left disconnected?


"And it would be you next if I see you around him again. I warned you, didn't I? You should've stayed far away from him," her voice in the darkness sent shivers up my spine and I sobbed out, "You created that crash? How could you?" "It was just a small glimpse of what I can do," she said, "So keep your distance or else..."

~Flashback ends~

I am not afraid of you this time. I have come back strong to stay by Hun's side and nothing and no one can pull me away from him again. Sehun's face slowly darkened as I told him about what I went through after my parents' death but I couldn't bring myself to tell him that his mom had killed them. "But why didn't you tell me?" he growled. "I just... didn't..." I said. "If that woman ever dares to lay her finger on you again... I swear..." he said, clutching his fork tightly. "Even if she wants to, she can't," I said, confidently. He raised his eyebrow and said, "I forgot to ask another important question too... What did you do after leaving Korea?"

~To be continued~

I am sorry for the late! This chapter was almost ready two days ago but my hand starting hurting like hell out of nowhere so I took a short rest and completed the chapter today~

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