Ep 13: Forever Maybe

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Sehun's POV

"And who might this lady be?" dad asked as I pulled the door of my car open and held out my hand for Y/N to help her out. "She's... someone special," I said. Y/N smiled at him and bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Oh," she said. Dad bowed his head and smiled. "You seem familiar somehow," he said. "Where is mum?" I asked. Dad pointed towards the house with his head. "She's here to meet her," I said, nodding towards Y/N. "Really?" said dad, frowning, "Let's go in then." I looked at Y/N's face. It was relaxed and there was no sign of nervousness on it. I remembered the time she'd come here with the Kims, pretending to be Kim Miso. She'd been nervous around my mom, but now she looked confident and at peace with herself and the situation.

I smiled at her and took her hand in mine. Dad just glanced at our hands but said nothing, a smile still playing on his lips. We walked towards the house and Y/N looked around. We were in the living room when my mom finally showed up. "It's been a long time," said Y/N, looking my mom in the eye. "Do I know you?" she asked, looking at her up and down, probably taking in her appearance. Y/N was dressed in a beautiful dress reaching up to her knees with her hair loose around her neck. To me, she looked like the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen but my mom's look was judging as she glanced at her. "Don't you remember me?" she asked, pleasantly. "You look like... Kim Miso?" said mom, frowning. She looked at me but Y/N spoke up again, "Think further back in the past although you're right. I did show up as Kim Miso once." 


I walked towards the woman I had once been afraid of. Now she only seemed to be a pretentious old lady. "How could you just forget me? I remember you very well," I said, coldly. "It can't possibly be..." she muttered to herself, a look of recognition dawning on her face, "Sehun, this is outrageous! How could you bring HER?!" She stepped back and said, "Get her out of my eyesight right now!" "MOM! How could you talk to miss. Pearl like that?!" Sehun spoke up. "Pearl?" Mrs. Oh said. "The one you wanted as your daughter-in-law. She wanted to meet you when I told her your words," Sehun said, coming up beside me and putting his arm around my waist.

The woman just stared at me. "Yes... I'm quite sad that you want me out of the house," I said, faking a sad look. "I thought... For a moment I thought you were someone else. I thought you were-" "Y/N?" I asked, cutting in. Her eyes widened. "You're right," I said, "Why? Don't recognize me now that I have stepped in looking all rich? You didn't recognize me when I came as Miso. How could you when you ruined my life?" "Y/N?" said Mr. Oh, coming up to Mrs. Oh's side, "Are you really her? And what are you talking about? Dahee only ever disapproved of your relationship with Sehun." I snickered. "Wish it had only been that. She killed my parents," I said, "She threatened me and put me through torture. Then she sent Sehun away. The only person I had left. But now I am back. And what? You'd like a woman exactly like me to be your daughter-in-law?"

"You can't be," she whispered. I laughed and said, "Look right in my eye and say that, Dahee Oh. Tell me I can't be Y/N." Mrs. Oh took a step back. "I never meant to..." she mumbled, her lips quivering. "Oh! I know that! You were scared for your life when you killed them but you never repented," I said, "You still treated Sehun like shit. You never figured out why Seyeon-oppa ran away, did you? You never learnt." "You don't get to tell me how I treat my own sons," she said. "I think we get that treat," said a voice from behind us. He still looked so much like Sehun as Seyeon-oppa walked in . "Seyeon-ah," said Mr. Oh, his eyes going wide as he walked towards his long-missing son.

When I think about the day again, it was a mess but the Oh family was finally together again. Mrs. Oh still didn't apologize but I told her straight up I was going to date her son and she can cry about it. Mr. Oh was disappointed when he found out everything about her. "She wasn't always a bad person, Y/N," he told me after Mrs. Oh had stormed out the room, "I think the wealth just got into her head. I have no excuses for what she did to you though... I apologize on her behalf." Like I wanted him to! "Dad, why don't you just divorce her? Our family would be way happier without her," Sehun said. Mr. Oh chuckled. "I would have too, at a point. I wasn't completely blind to her deeds although I didn't know all of them," he said, "But just like you love Y/N here and could never let her go, I love your mom. Yes, she's twisted but that's just because of what she's seen in this wicked world. I won't ask you to forgive her but one day... You'd understand." 

Me and Sehun moved in together, trying to figure out life as a couple. "Why won't you marry me?" he asked me one day, as we sat together on a couch after a long day of work. I smiled at him and said, "Why? Are you anxious?" "It's not that," he said, taking my hand gently in his, interlocking out fingers as he stroked the back with his thumb. "I want to take care of you forever now," he said, "We're already living together so... Why not?" "I want to know how it feels to just be in love," I said, "Our relationship... It's complicated. We fell for each other as teens. Then we got broken up horribly... And then we met again and seperated again. It was a roller coaster." He nodded and said, "I'm sorry I made you go through all that, my love." I sighed and continued, "What's done is done and... I know I love you. But I want to know what it would be like to be a normal couple for once. Without all the drama. As for forever, we have our whole lives in front of us to figure that out." "True," he said, "I'm all yours now so I'm willing to wait until you're ready." I smiled wider and said, "Sehun-ah, let's travel a lot and live happily from now on, shall we? Anew." He nodded, pecking my lips and repeated, "Anew," his smile matching mine.

~The End~

I took long enough to finish this ff! I know it might not be very satisfying but with my now-busy schedule, I'm just happy to mark it completed! Thank you for staying on for this long. Have a nice day. Signing off
  -Your Author Ri

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