Ep 4: Missing You

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Sehun's POV

Every time my phone dinged, I jumped and looked at it to see if Y/N had finally replied to my message. But I was disappointed every single time when it was either one of the clients or some work-related stuff. I whimpered when the day had ended and I had received no news from Y/N. "I miss her so much," I whined. "Oh Sehun," came a voice. I looked up and for a second I saw Y/N standing there, before the person walked in and glared at me. "Eomma," I said, "What happened?" "You cancelled the dinner with Miss. Jeong," she said, "Why would you do that?" "Mom! Just let me handle my work and live peacefully! Am I not doing a great job handling the group?" I asked, feeling tired. "But your work won't give the Oh family an heir," said mom. 

"Is that all I am wanted for? Handling the group and keeping the Oh family going?" I asked. "Why else did I give birth to you even after I had your older brother?" she asked, "I knew he was not enough to handle everything. Remember, I raised you for this." Before I could speak, she had walked towards the door. "Your taste in women has always been, however, very... unique," she said, stopping suddenly. Is she talking about Y/N right now? "But let me warn you, Sehun," she continued, "I can only accept a rich heiress as your wife." "Just kick me out, will you?" I asked, "I am getting sick of all this." "I am not stupid to let go of my biggest asset," she said, walking out at last.


I should find a job soon... Yangyang had brought me back home and I was trying to look for some jobs with Kun on his laptop. "Let's send in a resume then," he said and I nodded. I had yuan now and my bank account from Korea had been transferred to China as well. So, I did have money now, enough to last me for some time. "You went to Lu's with Yangyang right?" Kun asked. "Yeah," I said, "But they didn't have any vacancies in their software team." "Is that so?" Kun said, frowning, "But you should still send in your resume... E-mail it to Mr. Lu, maybe?" "Can I do something like that?" I asked. This is the first time I have heard of stuff like that. "If I help you, yes," said Kun. "What are you?" I asked. He just chuckled and said, "I will make sure you get an interview then! But make sure you do well." I did a small salute and said, "Yes boss!" 

I had done some internships in software companies in my university days. I guess those will come in helpful now~ I am so excited for everything now! My phone dinged and I looked at the notification. "Hunnie," I mumbled. "Please contact me, Y/N," the message said, "I miss you..." "Dinner's ready!" Ten yelled from downstairs. "Let's go, Y/N," said Kun. I shook my head and said, "Okay." I left my phone on the bed and headed downstairs with him. His unhappy face kept floating in front of my eyes... Did I really do the right thing to leave? Would he forget me again if I don't come back soon? "Why are you staring at the fish like that?" Lucas asked, "Did you fall in love with it or something?" I shook my head and said, "It's nothing." 

Sehun's POV

"Taeyong, is there anything more I have to do?" I asked. "No sir," said Taeyong, "You have completed all your work for today." "Good," I said, "I should go home then." I looked at my phone once again and sighed. Why is she ignoring me? "Are you waiting for someone's call, sir?" Taeyong asked. I nodded. "I can find out what the matter is," said Taeyong. "It's not related to work," I said. "Oh," said Taeyong, "Umm... I will be there to help you out any time sir." "Well, there is one thing you can find out for me," I said. "What is it?" Taeyong asked, eagerly. "Find out the cause of Mr. and Mrs. L/N's death," I said. "The L/Ns?" said Taeyong, frowning, "I haven't heard of them before." "I mean M/N L/N and F/N L/N," I said. Taeyong looked pretty confused but nodded and said, "I would do my best!" I nodded. 


"Kun, why don't you get Y/N an interview at the Lu's?" Yangyang said suddenly. "I already am going to do that," said Kun. "Our Kun's chummy with Mr. Lu," said Ten, grinning. "Chummy?" I said. "We used to be friends," Kun explained. "You are like Kai then!" I said, "He was friends with the... OH MY GOD!" "What happened?" Winwin asked. "I forgot to call Kai and Jeongyeon! They are gonna kill me!" I exclaimed. "Who are they?" Lucas asked. "My friends," I replied, "I really should make a phone call!" I jumped up from my chair to walk over to my bedroom. I am so dead... 

I grabbed my phone and quickly facetimed Kai. My call was picked up instantly. "Y/N L/N, DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER US?!" Kai yelled. "I am so sorry," I said, "I almost-" "NOONA!" Kai yelled, "Y/N has finally remembered us!" I heard footsteps and Jeongyeon appeared beside Kai. "Y/N! Did you reach China safely?" she asked, anxiously. "Yes, I did," I said, chuckling, "But I totally forgot to exchange my won! Aren't I an idiot?" "Wow! What a spectacular beginning of your new journey!" Kai said. "Where are you right now then? A hotel?" said Jeongyeon, still looking pretty worried. "I found some new friends," I said. "Friends?" said Jeongyeon and Jongin together.

I nodded and explained the whole story of how I had met Yukhei and how I was now living with the boys. "Wow..." said Jongin, "I mean... Aren't you lucky?" "I know," I said, "Kun's even getting me an interview with Mr. Lu!" "Best luck Y/N!" said Jeongyeon. "By the way," said Kai, cheekily, "Noona is now jobless!" "Huh?" I said. "The café didn't seem the same after you left," said Jeongyeon, "So I quit my job too!" "So now, I am the sole bread-winner of this household," said Jongin, making a funny expression, "I am looking after my unmarried, jobless poor noona!" I giggled as Jeongyeon shot him daggers. "You are still under my roof, Kim Jongin!" she said. "I am enjoying your room by the way, Y/N," Kai said, ignoring Jeongyeon completely. 

"You shifted in my room?" I said, "That's good!" "See?" Kai said to Jeongyeon, "I told you she won't mind it!" It felt nice to see the both of them bickering again. "Oh Sehun is not doing so well," said Kai suddenly. "Yah! Why would you tell HER that?!" Jeongyeon demanded, hitting Kai's arm slightly. "She should know!" said Kai. "Y/N, do your best! Don't think about Sehun again! Keep in touch!" said Jeongyeon just as Kai was about to open his mouth again and she hung up. I sighed. 

~To be continued~

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