Ep 7: Waiting Again

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Sehun's POV

"B-Boss, there's a problem," said Taeyong looking down when I was about to head out for the meeting. "What happened?" I asked. "S-Sehunnie got lost," said Taeyong. "WHAT?" I exclaimed, "How?" "Miss. Jeon had gone to the mall with him and he-" said Taeyong. "Damn! Just go meet Miss. Pearl and tell her I would be there!" I said. Sehun should be safe... How could Soyeon just lose him?! "Which mall was it?" I asked. "H mall," said Taeyong. "I will be heading there," I said, grabbing my car keys. 

My phone began ringing. I cursed, picking up as I started the car engine. "This is the Jungbu police station," said a strong, male voice, "Are you Oh Sehun's guardian?" "Yes sir," I said. "We've found him. Please come and take him in your custody," said the officer. "I am on my way," I said, hanging up as I let out a sigh of relief. "At least he's safe," I said.

~Time Skip~

"Can't you take good care of your child?" the officer said, making a disgusted expression. I bowed and said, "I am sorry sir. Where's Sehun?" "In there. He's been crying his head off," said the officer, his expression softening, "How could you let that small kid wander around in the city?" I bowed again and apologized before heading in to see Sehun sitting there, sniffling. "Hunnie?" I called out. He looked up, tears rolling out of his eyes which exactly resembled me and ran towards me, saying, "Appa!"


"But, didn't you say he would be here?" I asked, looking at the anxious young man that kept looking at his watch every once in a while, waiting for his boss to turn up. "Just a few minutes please, ma'am," he said, "He got into a spot of trouble... He would be here soon." I nodded, not really feeling very positive about anything. Here I am, after ten years, still waiting for Oh Sehun to turn up. I sighed. Why am I always the one that ends up waiting for him in the end? It had started raining outside and I said, "Are you sure he's on the way?" 

"I haven't received any message from him, ma'am, but I am sure he is on his way," said the guy. "Yah! Do you guys think our miss has nothing better to do with her time?" Misa said, indignantly. I could tell she was getting angry. "I apologize on my boss' behalf," he said, bowing. I sighed and asked, "What's your name?" "Lee Taeyong," he said, looking down. "See, this isn't your fault," I said, "I will wait for some more time, but if your boss doesn't turn up, I am afraid we have to cancel this meeting." "I am so sorry about this, ma'am," said Taeyong and I shook my head. 

Sehun's POV

What was Jeon Soyeon thinking- letting Hunnie get lost in the city... She should take care of him! "How did you get lost?" I asked the kid who was now sitting in my car with me. "Eomma was shopping," he said, cutely, "And I saw a puppy so I followed it." I sighed and said, "Sehun-ah, you shouldn't leave your eomma's side!" "Are you mad at me?" he asked, looking a me with big eyes. "No," I said, shaking my head, "Appa can never be mad at Sehun. But don't leave eomma's side next time." "Ne~" he said, grinning widely, "But appa, where is samcheon? You said you would take me to meet him." Samcheon... I looked out of the window, not knowing how to answer his question.

"We'll meet him soon," I said, "Now! Here we are! Go and eat your lunch like a good boy. And don't trouble your eomma! Appa will see you later." Soyeon was standing outside the house, her face pale when I took Sehunnie to her. "You should look after him well," I said. "Hunnie," she said, picking little Sehun up as he squealed and hugged him tightly. "Ahh! I was so worried!" she exclaimed, "I thought he was kidnapped or something." "The police found him," I said, "I have to go now, Soyeon-ah... I have a meeting." She nodded, brushing back a strand of her thick black hair out of her face. "Drive safe!" she said, as I got back inside my car.

I looked at my watch and groaned. I am way too late! I took a look at my phone and saw a lot of missed calls and messages from Taeyong. This isn't going to be pretty... I quickly started the car engine and began driving back to our destination. WHY DID SOYEON COME SHOPPING SO FAR AWAY FROM MY DESTINATION?! I cursed as rain started pelting on the car's windshield. Why now of all time?! It's gonna be a real mess if I don't go to a meeting I myself suggested! 


It has been two hours... My spirits were totally dull by now, just like the dark clouds that hovered in the sky. I got up finally and said, "Taeyong, I guess your boss won't make it today... We would plan this some other time, if you don't mind." He bowed and said, "I sincerely apologize for this..." "It's okay," I said, not meaning it at all. I had really looked forward to meeting Sehun today but now... Looks like I can't... What could have possibly gone wrong with him? "Misa-ya, do you have an umbrella?" I asked, as we headed down the staircase of the restaurant we had scheduled our meeting in. "Umm... no," she said and I sighed. "I can get one for you if you-" she began. "Nah... It's okay," I said, pushing back my hair and proceeding to mess it up slightly in the process, "The car's nearby... We can always run or something..."

"How dare that guy not turn up at the meeting?" Misa muttered angrily, "Boss, we can just cancel the whole deal! Why bother?" "You know I wanted to see him, Misa," I said, looking away, "He's Oh Sehun." "Why do you even..." she mumbled but shook her head saying, "All right." I took in a deep breath as we reached the exit. "Let's quickly sprint to the car," I said, "Race you there. Loser drives the car." "Hmm?" said Misa and I winked at her. "Okay then," she said, grinning, "See you at the car, Y/N!" We counted three numbers and then sprinted off.

~To be continued~

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