chapter 2

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It's been 4 days since I first met up with Kim Gong-Ja and started training. It took time to get use to killing monsters in the tower since my world wasn't like this. My stats slowly increased under the swordmaster guidance which the 2 men are unaware of. Luckily, before I came to this world, I would often visit the gym since I lived alone and have to move things around in my apartment, so my endurance and strength were a lot better than Kim Gong-Ja.

He would often whisper and grunt while we do our morning jogs because of the swordmaster talking his ear off, gloating how he should be thankful. I still haven't revealed I'm able to see the ghost since I don't know why I can. That and the fact it's fun teasing Kim Gong-Ja when he's talking to the swordmaster. Any time Kim Gong-ja brought up how I knew of his time travel or the likes of it I just blow him off and change the topic or dance around not giving him a direct answer.

Speaking of swordmaster he would always float around me and do weird things to make Kim Gong-Ja freak out until he caught me staring at him one time. Now he does stuff to see if I slip up which it's so hard not to.

After our morning jog, We decided to go over to Kim Gong-Ja's house since It was close by. Upon arriving Kim Gong-Ja stopped in the doorway before me. "Oh Uh, How about we go somewhere else." Abrupt nervous laughter came from Kim Gong-Ja. Turning around and trying to block any attempt to get into his house. Noticing how I can't slide past him I dealt a swift punch to his gut causing him to fold over like a pancake.

Finally, in his house, I realized why he tried blocking me from going in. His house is dirty. If you really think about it, it makes sense why. He uses to be in his 30s with depression and didn't clean up after himself, all he did was go back in time but he still isn't used to cleaning up after himself. 

Behind me, Kim Gong-Ja was silently crying while mumbling to himself on how the first girl he had over in a while had to see his house like this. Whatever you say, Your house isn't as bad as it would have been in the future. "Why are you pouting It isn't that bad. with a few trash bags and a broom, this place will be back to new." Hearing this he quickly finished through his little fit.

"Ha, She a weird one isn't she?" Swordmaster you better shut up.

"Hey Y/N How about we try out the lottery." Oh, the swordmaster has been talking about the lottery since yesterday. 

"Did You already get lottery tickets?" Nodding to my question. I can guess what happened. Swordmaster must have made him get tickets When I wasn't with them "Alright let's try our luck." 

Waiting for Kim Gong-Ja to change out of his sweaty clothes from our run before heading our way to the merchants union guild. If I remember from the story the guild master's name is Countess. One of her skills allows trading outside of the tower so she has a monopoly on the economy inside the tower. It would be good to stay on her good side.

Inside the guild, you can clearly make out who works here and who doesn't since all workers have cat hats on.

"We came to collect my lottery winnings." Kim Gong-Ja put down the lottery ticket from his pocket to the counter.

"You won our Sang-Ryun happiness lottery! congratulations!"

From the opposite side of Kim Gong-Ja, the swordmaster asked a pretty good question. "Do you know why they're always wearing cat ears?"

"I hear their guild master is a cat lady."

"Alrighty~ can I check your identification." Taking a good look at the ticket his happy service voice and face dropped. "First place. I've confirmed your number. can you give us a second? I'll call the manager right away, sir, ma'am."  

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