chapter 29

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A being that carries the appearence of a boy. Hair thats short but covers his eyes and sleaves that go way past his hands. A boy who has full control over this libary that floats. 

"let me sincerely greet you again! Welcome to the great library of all knowledge!" 

Everyone was talking over each other. Understandable since they all just got randomly teleported. I mean I see a naked man over there covered in soap and a few people in Pjs. 

"My goodness it seems that I was quite inconsiderate." A snap of this child fingers and a box tall enough to cover the man slamed down on him. The front of said box said books. 

Black witch walked up to his and started questioning him. Of course no true answers were given. 

"I simply wished to welcome you all. to me, you are lik eheros of epics. My hobby is reading books. However the books gathered in my library are no ordinary books." Books floated around him till he grabbed one to point it out to us. "I'm sure you're wondering why only you guys were summoned amoung countless warriors. you guys are warriores with aliases. Only heros with aliases were summoned here."

Its very obiovious he's passionate about books. I wonder how long its been since he last interacted with someone. I grabbed a book from the air as him and the other hunters talked. I only looked at the cover and back befoer my attention was caught. 

"I was so ecvited over meeting you all, I forgot to give you your quest. However, explaining everything verbally just isn't my style. This apocalypse is a bit boring and this one is a bit calm. Ah! this one will do." all he had to do was open a book to teleport all of us. Now we are all floating in the sky over a city.  the view was amazing. A modern city full of tall buildings from horizon to horizon as  astroids covered the sky in the direction of the city. "There are many ways to call these books. Some call the m epics others prefer chronicles. but I prefer to call them apocalypse. Not all serializations of the apocalypse progress so smoothly. There are apocalypses that end up facing cancellation." Now hes just showing off as different worlds flashed before our eyes."

"The characters of this apocalypse were alive just like you guys but before they could even reach a proper conclusion, or arouse a grandeur ending everything ended due to an unjust reason. I call this cancellation but you guys simply refear to this as the end of the world." 

And with this shown he flashed us back to the library. Everyone doubled over and vomited. "I'm not suprised they wanted to vomit. They were repeatedly shown images that normal people can't handle." The swordmaster seemed unaffected as he looked everyone over. "Hey (y/n) why aren't you joining them." I just hummed as I looked at him. He's right I'm not vomiting 

"Maybe it has to do with the fact i've seen this already or the fact i still havent gotten use to this realty yet." I though for a second more, "Or my skill. It does give me a mental buff after all."

"The quest I am giving you guys is simple. Pick eight volumes among the cancelled apocalypses. I want to finish reading the cancelled apocalypses. Enter eight volumes of the apocalypse and save the apocalypses from cancellation!"

A big blue wall formed behind him which all of could reconsize as a mission screen from the tower.

"Please make sure to clean up your own vomit. It's basic manners. The cleanliness of a library can only be maintained through a collective group effort."

Words 634

oct 21 24

chapter 49

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