Chapter one

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This story will be in Harry's perspective the entire time, it may have flashbacks in Louis perspective.

Today was Harry's first day of work. He had just graduated from the academy with high honors. He was about to start his job at an organization called the Underground. The Underground is a spy organization that is independent from any countries. They are like high class mercenaries that contract to countries like the UK and the United States of America. Harry had been secretly recruited by the director of the Underground. He was going to be a real spy. Kids dream of becoming spies, but they never achieve their dream. He was finally achieving that dream at nineteen years of age.

He was already up and out of bed even though it was only four in the morning. He had become used to waking up early at the academy and now it was part of his routine. He also wanted to impress the director by being there on time.

He got dressed in his best suit and brushed his hair into a neat quiff. He brushed his teeth and started to pack his bag. He ran around the hotel room and grabbed the last of his things and packed them in his duffle bag. He had been staying in a hotel because for some reason agents at the Underground live at headquarters. Because they were hardly at home they stayed in headquarters for convenience.

One of the worst parts about his new job was being away from his family. He couldn't tell his family that he was a top secreta special agent for an organization that wasn't supposed to exist. He told his family that he got a new job at an insurance firm in London. He had an apartment in his name and even had badges for the fake firm. He called his mum last night and told her that he wouldn't be able to talk to her verry much. She of course was upset at first but understood in the end. He was also going to miss his sister Gemma. Most people hate their siblings, but he loved Gemma, she was always there for him and he was always there for her. He was also going to miss his father and his stepfather as well.

He heard a knock on the door. 'that's odd' he thought. Nobody should have been there. As far as anyone knows he is just an average person. He looked through the peephole of the door. There was an older man in a suit waiting on the other side of the door with a card in his hand. He opened the door cautiously.

"Harry Edward Styles" the man said.

"Yes" he said.

"I was told to deliver this to you from Director Payne" the man said.

The man handed him a white envelope.

"Thank you" he said.

The man nodded and walked away.

Harry stepped back inside the hotel room. He opened the card and read it. '00728 Fisher Road. Take the elevator. Once in the elevator type code 77436 into the keypad behind the access panel on the left side of the elevator. Come alone and don't let anyone follow you' it read. They were specific instructions on how to get to headquarters.

He finished packing his bag and zipped it up. He quickly looked in the mirror and made sure that his hair and suit looked perfect. He then grabbed his duffle bag and walked out of the hotel room. He made his way down to the lobby and talked to no one. He put on his dark sunglasses before stepping out of the hotel.

He walked for twenty minutes until he got to Fisher Road. The streets were lined with massive buildings. Each building looked fancy and professional. Fisher Street was one of the most famous business streets. All the biggest businesses were located on this street. He walked down the street through the bustling crowds of people. He looked around and finally located the right address. The building was tall and had windows that were large and looked like mirrors.

He walked through the door and was met by two security guards. He flashed his fake security badge and the security guards waved him through. He walked confidently, to avoid suspicion, to the elevator. He made sure to get into elevator alone. Once inside he went to the left side of the elevator and took an access panel off. When the access panel was off there was a secret keypad. He typed 77436 into the keypad. A light blinked and the elevator started to move. He returned the access panel back on the wall. He waited as the elevator descended downward.

Agent 28- Larry Stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now