Chapter twelve

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He woke up to the sun beaming through the windows. It had been a while since he woke up to the sun because he had been living underground. He wanted to cover his head with the covers and go back to sleep, but he knew that Louis hadn't gone to sleep yet. He dragged himself out of bed and tiredly walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen. Louis still was sitting near all the equipment drinking what looked like tea.

"Good morning Harry" Louis said brightly.

"Good morning Lou" he groaned.

He went to the kitchen and started to brew coffee. While he waited for his coffee to be made, he went and sat on the sofa next to Louis.

"Have you seen anything yet" he asked.

"No nothing yet. There have been a couple of people in the flat, but nothing much has happened" Louis said.

"What do you want for breakfast" he asked.

"Oh, you don't have to" Louis said.

"I know, but I want to. I'm going to make you breakfast regardless of if you want me to or not, so you should just tell me what you want" he said.

"I don't know what I want, just surprise me" Louis said.

"Okay, surprise it is then" he said getting of the sofa and going back to the kitchen.

He decided to make his famous chocolate chip pancakes for them. He had to pry Louis away from the window to get him to sit down and eat with him at the table.

"Chocolate chip pancakes my favorite, how did you know" Louis said smiling.

"It's my superpower" he joked.

Louis rolled his eyes.

"They are really good, the second best I have ever had" Louis said.

"Second, I'll have you know that this is my famous recipe" he said faking being shocked.

"Sorry, but nothing beats my mum's pancakes" Louis said.

"I'll need to try hers then" he said smiling.

"I don't think that's possible" Louis said looking down and playing with the pancakes with his fork.

"Why not" he asked.

"She is dead" Louis said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Lou" he said sympathetically.

"It's fine, it was a long time ago I should be over it all by now" Louis said.

"It's your mum, that's not something you ever get over" he said.

"It's been fourteen years; I should be over it. That's what everyone always tells me" Louis said glumly.

"Don't listen to them, losing family will always hurt no matter what" he said.

"I wish I could forget though; I'm forced to remember the night she died" Louis said dolefully.

"Can I ask how she died" he asked.

"Yeah, um, she was murdered along with the rest of my family when I was seven" Louis said as a tear trickled down his cheek.

He scooched his chair closer to Louis and whipped the tear off of Louis' cheek with his thumb. He held Louis as Louis cried.

'I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be weak. I'm supposed to be the strong one" Louis said.

"Even the strongest things break Lou. You don't have to be strong all the time. I'm happy you aren't strong all the time around me" he said staring into Louis' brilliant blue eyes.

Agent 28- Larry Stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now