Chapter eighteen

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They walked into the coordination room and saw utter chaos. There wasn't a single person not working. Everyone was on their computers and working franticly. They saw Niall running into the coordination room and back to his lab. Liam was directing people what to do.

"What is going on" he asked Liam.

"The Prime Minister is missing" Liam said panicked.

"What" he said shocked and in disbelief.

"Well, what can we do" Louis asked.

"Right, I have a special assignment for you two" Liam said. "Niall debriefing room now" he yelled through the hectic room.

They all went to the debriefing room to get away from the chaos and discuss the case in private. They sat down at the table, while Niall set up a presentation on the screen on the wall Liam sat down and waited for Niall to present.

"Okay, so here is what we know. The Prime Minister went missing five and a half hours ago. The Prime Minister went missing from a charity event this morning. This means that whoever kidnapped him has connections and is skilled enough to not get caught. So far, we have gathered that Rafael Stanton one of the biggest oil moguls might have something to do with the Prime Minister's kidnapping. Rafael was publicly outraged about the Prime Ministers new campaign to raise oil restrictions. Rafael is our best lead so far; you guys need to talk to Stanton and find out if it is him" Niall explained while showing images of Rafael on the screen.

"We need this all to be covert. We need to keep this from the general public, if this gets out there will be utter chaos out on the street. We don't like to wait but we can't let anyone know what has happened. So, you both will be going to Stanton's gala tonight" Liam explained.

"What do we do until then Liam" Louis asked.

"I need you to talk to your local contacts that are in his circle" Liam said.

"I know just who to talk to" Louis said.

"Be ready tonight at eight tonight in your best suit for the gala, don't be late" Liam said.

"Got it, come on Harry let's go" Louis said getting up to leave the room. 

They left the debriefing room and went straight to the garage. They climbed back into their black Porsche and headed off. Louis drove because he knew where to go. Before getting in the car, he called someone and said some coordinates in Italian.

"Who are we meeting" he asked.

"We are meeting one of my best informants. She is a socialite and part of high society; I call her Yorkshire" Louis said.

"Yorkshire, why do you call her that" he asked.

"Well Yorkshire tea is the best tea obviously, and she gives me the best drama. Get it" Louis said nudging him a bit with his elbow.

"Wow you are hilarious" he said sarcastically.

"Oh, come on, that was a good joke" Louis said.

"How long have you been waiting to tell someone that joke" he asked.

"A verry long time, but it was worth the wait" Luis said.

They continued driving to the location that Louis told the woman to meet them at. It was a small local French café. They got out and went into the café together. They ordered coffee and a pastry each and sat outside at a table with a woman. The woman had long dark brown hair and wore large sunglasses to try and hide her identity.

"Good afternoon" Louis said sitting down.

"Hi, Samuel" she said.

He gave Louis a weird look at the name, then remembered what he said before about people having different names for him. The woman seemed nervous and kept fiddling with her coffee cup.

"We need you to tell us everything you know about Rafael Stanton" Louis said.

The woman nodded and shakily put down her coffee cup and sighed.

"I don't know much about the man; he is very private. I know that he is going to be at his gala tonight at the National art gallery. I heard that his date is Eleanor Calder. She is the daughter of Calder industries CEO and founder. Rumor is that James Calder and Rafael Stanton are supposed to make a big deal tonight. This deal is supposed to change the oil industry and make them monumentally wealthy" she said.

"Thank you, is that all you know" Louis asked.

"Yeah, that's all I know, the rumor mill has been a bit dry of the late, sorry" she said.

"No, you did verry well thank you" Louis said.

"Are we done, I can't be gone for long or someone will notice I am missing" she said.

"That is all thank you" Louis said standing up, so he did the same.

Louis nodded his head and left the café. They went to the car. Louis seemed a bit agitated for some reason. Louis started driving back to headquarters.

"Okay what's up, you can cut the tension with a knife in here" he said.

"I know Eleanor" Louis said.

"Well, that's good isn't it, that means that you already have an in with her" he said.

"No, I know Eleanor" Louis said emphasizing the word 'know'.

"What do you mean" he asked confused.

"Eleanor was my fiancé a few years ago" Louis said.

"Fiancé, but you are gay" he said.

"Yes Harry, I know I'm gay" Louis said sassily. "It was for a mission. I had to get close to her and her family, and it resulted in me being engaged to her. Nothing ever happened between us, and to be honest I hate her guts" Louis said sighing loudly.

"So, what does that mean for the mission" he asked.

"It means I need to talk to Liam" Louis said.

They continued to drive back to headquarters. They arrived in the garage and parked before going into the base. The base was still in a frenzy. Everyone knew how bad that this situation was. They went around trying to find Liam and Niall and brought them to the debriefing room to talk.

They all gathered around the table and started to talk about what his informant told him.

"So good news bad news. Good news is we know where the gala is and who Rafael is taking" Louis said.

"That's amazing, good work" Liam said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Liam. I haven't told you the bad news yet. Bad news is that the girl he is taking is Eleanor Calder" Louis said.

"Shit, well Harry you are going to have to talk to Eleanor then" Liam said.

"Me, but I'm not good at situations like that" he said unsure.

"Trust me Harry, you are young and look good, Eleanor will want to talk to you. Even though she is with Rafael she will flirt with any guy there" Liam said.

"Fine, I guess so" he said.

"I don't like it either, but we have no choice, Harry. Harry, we don't have much time, we need to do this" Louis said.

"I know" he said glumly.

"You two go get ready; you have a gala to get to" Liam said.

They nodded and left the debriefing room. They each went to their own rooms and started to get ready for the gala. This was going to be a very interesting night.


Thank you for reading, I hope that you liked the chapter.

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie🖤

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