Chapter twenty three

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They drove to Doncaster, where Louis was from. Louis insisted on driving because he knew where he was going. He knew how to get back to where he was from. Neither of them said a single word at all, they both knew the seriousness of where they were going. This was where the worst thing had happened to Louis. This was where his entire family was murdered in front of him.

They arrived at Louis home and got out quicky. It had already been three days since the Prime Minister had gone missing, they needed to get him back before anyone noticed his disappearance.

They got out of the car and went into the House with their guns drawn. It was apparent that no one had been in the house in many years. There were cobwebs and dust covering almost every surface in the house. All of the furniture had been left in place, the house looked the same as the day that Louis left it. Everything was the same nothing at all had been moved. He could see how this was affecting Louis, and he wanted to tell him to turn back, but they had to push on.

They split up to cover more ground, just as they had at the other house. They had gone their separate ways and started sweeping the house. He neared the living room and saw a tired tattered man tied up in a chair, it was the Prime Minister. He walked into the living room when he was grabbed from behind by a strong man. 

He struggled against the man, but the man was burly and very strong. The man had put his hand on his mouth, so he couldn't scream for help. He still had his gun, so he struggled and sent shots into the celling, that was sure to get Louis' attention. He kept fighting and kicking, but he was no match against this mystery man.

Within seconds Louis had run into the living room with his gun drawn. He froze in fear and shock when his eyes laid upon him and the man who was holding him.

"You are supposed to be dead" Louis said blankly.

"Surprise, look who's back" the man sneered           

"Hays what are you doing with the Prime Minister" Louis questioned.

Wait Hays, as in the former director of the Underground that supposedly died five years ago. After all these years he had been alive, and now he's back. Hays was also the one who kidnapped the Prime Minister.

"How else was I supposed to get your attention Lou" Hays said.

"I don't know, not fake your death and disappear for five years" Louis said sassily.

"I'm surprised you actually believed that, but you always believed anything Liam said at face value didn't you" Hays said.

"There was a body and a coroner's report" Louis defended.

"It was easier than you think it would be to fake your death actually" Hays said.

"Why now, why the Prime Minister" Louis asked.

"Oh, because you failed me that's why" Hays said.

"I did everything you wanted me to do for years, how in the hell could I have failed you" Louis said.

"You were great, but now you are starting to slip. I made you into the perfect agent and now look at you, you're a washed up mess. I expected more from you. You are starting to trust people and get emotionally attached, I taught you better than that Louis. And don't get me started on your dear boy toy here Harry, that is just another one of the many things that disappointed me. You should have stayed in your little room longer so that you could learn your lesson better" Hays said.

"It's my life, and you are mad that I took it back. You're honestly mad that I won't let you control every single facet of my life anymore. Grow up Hays, you don't get dictate other peoples lives. You aren't the director anymore, and you don't get to tell me what I can and can't do anymore. Now let go of my boy" Louis said.

Agent 28- Larry Stylinson auWhere stories live. Discover now