Chapter eight

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He woke up and the bed was empty. Louis was gone and all that was left was a note the note said: 'meet me in training room 3'. Louis was so terribly confusing. One minute he is there the next he is missing.

He went back to his own room and got changed quickly. He practically ran to the training room because he missed Louis. When he got to the training room, he saw Louis beating the hell out of a punching bag in the corner of the room. He walked over to Louis, and Louis didn't even notice as he came up behind him. He tapped Louis on the shoulder and Louis whirled around and punched him in the stomach.

"Louis" he wheezed.

"Harry you can't just sneak up on people" Louis said.

"That's kind of our job isn't it" he joked.

"Whatever let's start training" Louis said.

"How long have you been here" he asked.

"Only three hours" Louis responded.

"Only" he said shocked.

"Today is going to be different. I cleared you on the basics, but I want to know how you will handle stressful painful situations. In the field I need to know what you are going to do. So, we are going to do some simulations, this is going to be fun" Louis said coldly.

He followed Louis into the room next to the training room. The room was made of completely concrete and had nothing but a chair in it. Louis handed him an envelope and walked out of the room. He opened the envelope confused. All that was in the envelope was a piece of paper that had a single word on it, 'octopus '.

Louis walked in the room and took the paper and without looking at it threw it in the garbage.

"What are we doing" he asked confused.

"I'm going to do everything I can to get you to say the word that was on the paper. Your job is to resist and not say the word" Louis explained.

"So just like we did in the academy" he asked.

"Oh Harry, no. In the academy they wouldn't physically harm you, and they would stop. I wont stop until you say the word" Louis explained.

Louis was not kidding when he said he wouldn't stop. Louis tied him to a pipe that was on the ceiling and electrocuted him repeatedly.

"This is not how I imagined you tying me up" he said with a sly smile.

Louis rolled his eyes in response, but he could also see a smile creep onto his face. 

Louis continued to torture him for hours. Louis even threatened his family. He lasted a long time, but eventually he was getting tired and was hurting. Louis was relentless though and kept going and going.

He hung helplessly from the ropes which Louis had tied him from. His body couldn't take much more brutality. Louis would not stop. He yelled and screamed at him. He never thought that someone as small as Louis could be so threatening.

"Okay, okay it's  octopus " he breathed out.

Louis untied him and he fell helplessly to floor.

"I hate you" he said blankly.

"Yeah, me too" Louis responded.

"Why would you do that to me" he questioned.

"I needed to see how far I could push you. You did well" Louis said.

"I failed I told you the word" he interjected.

"You lasted longer than I thought you would, come on let's get you to medical" Louis said helping him off the floor.

Louis helped him as he hobbled his was to medical. Louis' torture had really taken a toll on him and he could hardly stand straight. Louis helped him onto the medical bed and talked quickly to the nurse and left. He just left him after all of that.

"Let's get you fixed up" the nurse said brightly.

"What about 28, where is he going" he asked.

"Oh, I think he is going to go talk to the director. He really doesn't like being in here" the nurse said.

The nurse fixed him up really quick and sent him on his way. He was still in immense pain but refused to take any pain medication. He hobbled his way to Niall's lab and knocked. Niall opened the door and looked concerned. He dragged himself into the lab and sat on the stool at Niall's workspace. 

"You look like shit" Niall deadpanned.

"Oh, wow hadn't noticed" he said rolling his eyes.

"What happened to you" Niall asked.

"28" he responded.

"What did he do" Niall asked

"Tortured me" he said simply

"He fucking tortured you" Niall yelled.

"Calm down it was just training" he said.

"Oh, do you think he is going to clear you for the field" Niall asked.

"No, I told him the word. I'm never going to get to go in the field" he sighed.

"If you aren't in the field 28 can't go in the field. He is an adrenaline junkie he wont last long here. He never stays here for longer than a week, he will clear you" Niall said.

Just as Niall said that Zayn walked into the lab and walked over to them.

"Hey Zayn" he said.

"Hey Harry, Liam is looking for you" Zayn said.

"Oh thanks, bye guys" he said getting up and leaving the lab.

He strolled to Liam's office and knocked on the door

"Come in" he heard Liam yell.

"Hi Liam" he said sitting down in front of Liam.

"I have news for you Harry. You and 28 are cleared to be on missions. Your first mission together will be tomorrow. I will debrief you and Agent 28 in the briefing room at 8:00 am tomorrow" Lim said.

"Thank you, Liam, I won't let you down" he said excitedly.

"I know you won't, goodnight Harry" Liam said.

"Goodnight" he said before getting up and leaving the room.

He fell asleep that night exited. He was going on his first mission tomorrow. He didn't care what the mission was all that mattered was that he was actually going into the field. He was going to make a change in the world. Louis was going to be by his side, and he was going on his very first mission ever. Everything he ever dreamed of was coming true.

I hope you liked this chapter, thank you for reading ❤️

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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