Chapter seven

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After hours of intense training with Louis he was tired. Training was hard, but it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. He thought that Louis would be mean to him, but Louis was actually really nice to him today. Louis didn't yell at him like he was expecting. Louis showed him how to do things and didn't raise his voice at all. Louis actually made jokes with him.

After training he went back to his room and took a quick shower. He couldn't get Louis out of his mind. It was driving him crazy. Everything about Louis was amazing and perfect. He wished that these feelings were reciprocated.

He got dressed in some casual clothes because he technically wasn't working today. He stayed in his room for a while watching tv and reading his old textbooks. He was bored out of his mind. He decided to call his sister. He dialed her number and pressed the call button. After a few rings she picked up.

"Hey Haz" she said.

"Hi Gemma" he said.

"How are you doing Harry" she asked.

"Oh good, how are you doing" he asked.

"I'm doing great. How is work, how is the new job" she asked.

"Oh good, you know accounting stuff and all. It's good, the work is hard but I'm doing well. I miss you and mum though" he said.

"We miss you too Harry" she said.

"Gem can I tell you about someone, you can't tell anyone else" he said

"Sure" she said.

"There is this really cute guy at work. We work really close, and I think I have a crush on him" he said.

"Ooo what's his name" she asked.

"His name is Louis. I don't know much about him, he's a bit mysterious" he said.

"Is he nice" she asked.

"Yeah, I think so" he said smiling.

"You sound like a lovesick teenager Harry" she said.

"Oh, stop it Gemma no I don't" he said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, you do" she argued.

"Well, what should I do" he asked.

"You should play it by ear. Does he like you" she asked.

"Well, he says he's straight. But today he was nice, and I think he was flirting" he said.

"You need to talk to him and figure it out Harry. Just take your time and if it's meant to be it's meant to be" she said.

"Thanks Gemma, you give the best advice" he admitted.

"I know. Bye Harry, love you" she said.

"Bye Gemma, love you" he said before hanging up.

After the phone call he tried to go back to watching tv, but he was far too bored. He decided to go to the lounge and see if anyone wanted to hang out. He went to the lounge and found Niall and Zayn sitting on one of the leather sofas playing a videogame. He also saw Louis sitting at the bar drinking. He made eye contact with Louis and smiled. He was about to wave, but Louis set down his drink and ran out of the room.

"What's up with 28" Zayn asked.

"I wish I knew; I never know what he is thinking" he said plopping down on the sofa next to Zayn.

"I heard you two had training today how was that" Niall asked.

"Good, weird. Everything is just so confusing. He wasn't mean like I thought he would be, he was actually really nice. He has actually been opening up to me" he said.

"What do you mean what did he say" Niall asked.

"I know his name and he let me call him it, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone else. He also started telling me about his own training" he said.

"Well, that's good, you should know your own partner. 28 is mysterious, but underneath it all I can tell he is a good person" Zayn said.

"I ship it" Niall said excitedly.

"You what" he said confused.

"You and him would look adorable together" Niall said.

"He said he was straight, there is no chance he would go for me" he sighed.

"Maybe he is gay, we wouldn't know. Plus, he hasn't ever had a girlfriend, and he doesn't even talk to the girls here" Zayn said.

"I don't know" he said.

"Just try Harry, shoot your shot. I wouldn't do it now wait a bit and figure him out more" Zayn suggested.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm going to go talk to him" he said getting up.

"Goodluck" Niall shouted.

He left the lounge and went to Louis door. It was the one with a 28 in it. He knocked on the door and the door opened a second later. Louis stood in front of him in a hoodie and pajama pants.

"Hey Harry" Louis said.

"Hey Lou" he said.

"So, uh what are you doing here" Louis asked.

"I just wanted to talk to you, can I come in" he asked.

"Uh yeah sure I guess" Louis said stepping aside.

He walked into the pitch-black room. Louis just stood in the same spot awkwardly. Louis walked over and turned on a lamp illuminating the large room. The room was much larger than his own. It was all black and grey. The room was void of all color. There were bookcases and a large king size bed.

"Did I wake you up, I'm sorry" he said.

"Oh no, I wasn't sleeping. I was actually just doing some work" Louis said.

"In the dark" he said confused.

"Yeah, I like to work in the dark" Louis said.

"We never got to finish; do you want to finish the game" he asked.

"Yeah, I got nothing better to do" Louis said.

They sat on the floor playing 20 questions for hours. They grew closer and had a lot of fun together. He learned that Louis liked football, Louis couldn't cook, and that Louis liked to listen to the Artic Monkeys. At some point in the game, they moved to the bed to sit on. He could see that Louis was getting tired, and he knew that Louis was a little drunk from the drink he had earlier. Him and Louis ended up falling asleep together in Louis bed. Louis fell asleep first, and he just sat and admired Louis. It wasn't in a creepy way; it was more loving than creepy.

He woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that Louis was missing. He got up and looked around the room. He looked everywhere but couldn't find him. He opened a door and found Louis curled up in a ball on the floor of the closet.

"What are you doing in the closet" asked concerned.

"Nothing" Louis sniffled.

"Will you come back to bed" he asked gently.

"I-I can't" Louis said lowly.

"Why not" he questioned.

"He won't let me" Louis sniffled.

"Who Lou who" he asked.

"I can't tell anyone" Louis said.

"Okay, you don't have to tell me. But can you come out of the closet for me" he asked.

Louis moved and got up. He went back to bed and Harry joined him. Harry watched as Louis fell back asleep. He was confused and full of questions again. It seemed like all he would ever have with Louis was questions. He really wanted answers. He really wanted Louis.


Thank you for reading, I hope you liked the chapter. I'm not sure if anyone is actually liking this story. So, please tell me if you like it or not. I'm not sure if I should keep writing it if no one actually likes it.

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie🖤

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