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Him and Louis continued to be a perfect team and went on many successful missions together. They lived happily together till their dying day. After they had been partners for two years Louis purposed to him, and they got married a year later. The ceremony was beautiful and everyone from the Underground attended. His entire family also attended.

Eventually he had to explain to his family what his real job actually was. They were mad at first that he had lied to him, but they ultimately realized it was only to protect them.

Two years after their wedding they had their first child via surrogate. Gemma was their surrogate, and they couldn't have been happier that they were having a child. Their first child was born on May 17thand they Named her Johannah Félicité Tomlinson Styles. A year later they had another child named Charlotte Anne Tomlinson Styles. Then another year later they adopted a baby boy and named him Ezekiel Samael Tomlinson Styles. They loved their children dearly and named them each in remembrance of someone or something related to their lives.

A year after Charlotte was born, he decided to stop working in the field and became a training instructor at the academy. They decided that one of them should not work in the field just in case something bad happens, because after all they had children to think of now. Two years after he left the field, he finally convinced Louis to leave the field as well.

Liam had just stepped down; he wanted to travel and experience life. So, Louis took Liam's job as the director of the Underground. Zayn became one of the best agents in history, and Louis could always rely on him. Niall continued his job as senior laboratory tech and made many gadgets for the Underground. They were all succeeding in their fields and were happy. 

Louis was a wonderful director. He had seen how Hays treated people and made sure no one ever had to go through what he had gone through. Louis missed working in the field, but he understood how dangerous it was. Louis didn't want to die and leave Harry a single father. 

They both lived happily for years and eventually retired when they were both very old. They both watched their children blossom into beautiful, intelligent, successful people. All of their children went far in life and were happy. 

Hays stayed locked away until he died in a dingy dirty prison cell. He ironically ended up having the weakness as the Greek God Orpheus. He didn't trust anyone. Louis learned to love and trust, but Hays never did, and that was. His ultimate downfall.

Louis both died of old age in their sleep together. Neither of them could bear living without the other, so as fate made it, they died together. They lived a long successful fulfilling life together. They trusted each other more than any other person and loved each other undeniably.

In the end trust and love prevailed.

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