Chapter twenty two

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He drove them to Louis former foster family's house because Louis just couldn't do himself. Louis was dreadfully nervous about going to that place again. Nothing good ever happened there. Louis was tortured relentlessly while he lived there, and not to mention he was sexually abused by his foster father. This was one of the worst places that he would ever have to go back to.

They drove in uncomfortable silence, because neither of them knew what to say about this whole ordeal.

"Are you okay Lou" he asked concerned.

"Really Harry, do you really think that I am okay with going back to that awful place" Louis said annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- "he started.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you, I'm just really nervous. God, I'm being so unprofessional" Louis said glumly running his hands through his hair nervously.

"It's okay to be nervous, just know that I'm always here for you Lou. I won't leave you, I will be beside your side the entire time" he said compassionately.

"Thank you, Hazza" Louis said.

They continued driving until they arrived at the house. The house looked like every other perfect suburban home, but little did everyone know what horrors happened behind the doors. Nothing was a perfect and picturesque behind the façade that they hid behind.

They parked outside of the house and waited to go in. Louis was taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down before they went into the house.

"Okay let's go, guns drawn be careful, we don't know who might be in there" Louis said getting out of the car.

"Okay" he said getting out of the car as well.

They approached the house with their guns drawn. They broke the front door open forcefully and started to sweep the house. They split apart Louis going left, and him going right. They swept through the rooms and looked in every possible place that anyone could be hiding. He didn't find anything at all. Louis also didn't find anything, when he went to find Louis, he found him standing staring blankly at a door.

"I-I can't do it; I can't open the door" Louis said on the verge of tears.

"Okay, it's okay I got it" he said opening the door slowly. 

The door crept open and revealed what was behind it.

"Fucking shit" Louis exclaimed angrily.

He didn't know what exactly he was looking at. It was a bear sitting on a chair with the word 'boo' written on the wall above it in a red substance. The bear also had a string around its neck with a message attached to it. Before picking the bear up he looked around the chair to look for possible explosive devices.

When he realized that there were in fact no explosives, he put on a pair of evidence gloves and picked up the bear to get a better look at the message.

"Go to where seven turned into one" he read aloud.

"Fuck" Louis said hitting his head with his palm frustratedly.

"Do you know what this means" he asked.

"Yeah, I know. This means that whoever is doing this is a sadistic bastard that is making me go down memory lane" Louis said almost emotionlessly.

"Where are we going" he asked.

"Back home" Louis said walking out of the house.

He followed behind Louis and got in the passenger side of the car because Louis decided he wanted to drive. Now wasn't the time to mess with Louis, this was very serious.

They drove back to headquarters and louis stormed right into the building.  Louis rushed past him and went right to Liam's office slamming the door behind him. He was left outside the office straining to hear what they were saying at first, but eventually he could hear Louis yelling and crying.

*Behind the door*

"I can't do this; I can't go back" Louis cried.

"You don't have to we can send Harry and Zayn in together" Liam said.

"No, if you send Harry in, I'm coming too, we are a package deal" Louis said.

"But you said you didn't want to go" Liam said.

"This person obviously wants me, its my responsibility to fix this mess" Louis said.

"Explain to me what exactly was in the closet" Liam asked.

"There was a bear with the word boo above it, and there was a message that said, 'go to where seven turned into one'. Seven turning into one obviously means when my family was murdered, and boo bear was what my mum called me" Louis explained.

"Are you sure about this Louis" Liam asked.

"It's been fourteen years, it's time to go back. I will get this bastard and will save the Prime Minister. I can do this" Louis said.

"I know you can, now go on and get this guy, we haven't got any time to waste" Liam said.

Louis opened the door and He almost fell into him because he had his ear pressed to the door. Louis gave him a look and walked out of the office and closed the door behind him.

"You heard that all didn't you" Louis asked giving him a look.

"Yeah" he replied looking down.

"Well, all right then, let's do this shit" Louis said before walking away to the garage.

He had to run to catch up with Louis, because louis was so focused on going back home. They got in the car and began their journey to Doncaster.


I hoped you liked the chapter, I know it is short, but the new chapter will be coming out shortly.

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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