Chapter eleven

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They woke up in bed together the next morning. Louis didn't leave him this time. Louis stayed lying beside him the entire night, the simple thought of that made Harry more excited than a kid on Christmas.

The alarm woke them up at 8:00 in the morning. He stayed in bed, but Louis was already up and starting to get ready. He groaned and covered his face with a pillow.

"You have to get up Harry" Louis said as he fixed his hair.

"I don't want to" he groaned.

"We are going to be late if you don't get out of bed" Louis said.

"Ugh fine" he groaned throwing the covers off of himself.

"Here put these on, they might fit" Louis said throwing him some joggers and a t-shirt.

He put the clothes on quickly. They most certainly did not fit. His legs were way too long for the joggers, and the shirt was not quite long enough to cover all of his torso.

"Looks like I was wrong, that looks so small on you" Louis said giggling slightly and trying to cover it with his hand.

"Well, you are small" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Give me a break I'm big" Louis said slightly offended.

"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that" he said.

Louis glared at him and rolled his eyes.

"Come on we need to go meet Niall in the lab" Louis said.

"We can't go yet; I can't go out there looking like this" he said gesturing to what he was wearing.

"You should have thought of that before you decided you wanted to spend the night" Louis said.

"Ugh fine, we have to get new clothes for the mission anyways" he said.

"Exactly, let's go now" Louis said pulling his arm towards the door.

They left Louis' bedroom and went to Niall's lab. He definitely looked weird strolling through the halls of headquarters in clothes that were obviously too small for him. What made it worse was the fact that Louis was walking next to him wearing a suit that looked perfect on him. The suit hugged his curves and showed of his perfectly toned body.

When they reached Niall's lab Louis knocked on the lab door. Niall opened it quickly and gave him the once over. Niall gave him a weird look but let them into the lab none the less.

"Hi boys, good morning" Niall said excitedly.

"Good morning" he said.

"Good morning" Louis mumbled.

"So, for this mission you need to look like a normal everyday person, so I have picked some clothes out for you" Niall said gesturing to a rack of clothes.

Niall had picked out a patterned dress top, black skinny jeans, and boots for him to wear. For Louis Niall picked black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a vintage bomber jacket, and whit trainers. They actually both looked quite fashionable, Niall picked some really good outfits.

They both started to get changed. As they got changed, he tried not to look at Louis, but he couldn't help himself. When Louis was shirtless, he noticed the scars on Louis torso and arms. He also noticed the new scar from being grazed by a bullet on their last mission. What concerned him the most was the scared lines on Louis' forearm. He wanted to say something but knew better than to say anything.

After they were both dressed Niall started to pull out random gadgets for them. 

"This will pick up sound from the target's flat across from your flat" Niall said pointing to a device that looked like a satellite dish. "This will track what the targets are saying and document them on your laptop" Niall said pointing to some wire converters. "Because of the equipment I won't be able to be in your ear, due to the frequency channels" Niall explained.

"Thank you, Niall" he said.

"No problem. Instead of driving your normal car, you will be driving a fake moving van, with furniture in it. Once you get there you both will bring furniture into the flat. Talk to neighbors, and don't blow your covers. Goodluck" Niall said.

"Thank you, Niall" Louis said heading out of the lab.

They headed to the garage and hoped in the fake moving van. Louis again insisted on driving. Even tough Louis was a terrible driver, he let him drive because he liked to. louis always took corners too fast and went a bit over the speed limit.

"Where did you learn to drive" he complained.

"I learned when I was fourteen" Louis said.

"That's illegal" he said.

"Yeah, and so is underage drinking, but like everyone does that" Louis said.

"No not everyone does that" he rebutted.

"I learned young; it was part of my spy training" Louis said.

"Well, you didn't learn verry well" he argued.

"Then why do you let me drive" Louis asked.

"Because you like to drive, and I'm a nice person" he said.

"That you are" Louis said smiling.

They drove to the flat. Once they were there, they parked the truck outside of the housing complex. 

"Don't forget I'm Evan Meyers and you are Marcel Davis. Don't forget you need to pretend to love me" Louis said.

"I won't need to pretend" he mumbled.

"Huh, what did you say" Louis asked.

"Oh nothing" he responded.

They got out of the truck and started to pull boxes out of the back of the truck. They carried the boxes to the third floor flat B. Louis unlocked the door and held it open for him as he brought the boxes in. They went down to the moving truck and brought the boxes up to the apartment. When they were about to bring the last box up from the truck they were stopped by a woman with long blond hair.

"Hi, are you my new neighbor" the woman asked.

"Yes, I'm Evan and this is my lovely boyfriend Marcel" Louis said.

"Welcome to the building, my name is Adeline" she said.

"Nice to meet you Adeline, we'll see you around" he said smiling.

"Of course, have a great day you two" she said going into her own flat.

They went into their flat and started to set up the spy equipment. Louis started connecting wires to the computer and the satellite dish looking gadget. He started setting up the bed and the kitchen. Because they were supposed to be a couple, they only had one bed. 

When Louis was finished with the wires and gadgets, he helped him. They set up the living room and put the clothes in their closet. The flat wasn't fancy, but it was quaint and nice. When they were done, they laid in the bed together practically cuddling.

"The flat looks nice doesn't it" Louis said.

"Yeah, yeah it does" he said.

"This is going to be a crazy week" Louis said.

"But a fun one" he said.

"And why's that" Louis asked.

"Because we're together" he said.

Louis smiled at him and nuzzled his head into him shoulder.

"You get some sleep; I'll get first shift" Louis said.

He tried to protest, but Louis would not let him. He fell asleep dreaming of Louis, while Louis watched their targets. This was going to be an interesting week, and an even more interesting mission.


Thank you for reading the story so far. I hope that you are enjoying the story.

Have a great day/night

-xx Sophie 🖤

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