In which you are oblivious to whatever I do.

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Chapter 1

A lazy bum. Yes, Park Chaeyoung is a lazy bum. A girl who'd take great lengths just to reach the true pure bliss of not doing anything but be there. She is the epitome of being useless. A person with no passion whatsoever, no care, and no problems in life. She's just a normal person trying to live life in the most chill way possible. 


But, the blonde couldn’t simply live the life she’s desired. Not when a certain brunette is pestering her like this. 

“Chaengie you there?”  

Chaeyoung had tried to ignore the girl every time, though it couldn’t be helped at all. She’d only taken a step inside the classroom and the brunette’s face is the first thing she sees. At lunch, she would stay behind and pray to the heavens that the girl wouldn’t notice, but her prayers seem to have been dismissed by the gods. The brunette would sit across from her, putting her lunch on her desk, and doing whatever she wanted. The blonde couldn’t protest otherwise because putting in that amount of effort isn’t something she would do in the first place. Her patience had run low from the girl and it’s taking all of Chaeyoung not to burst and push the girl away. 

Because truth be told, she liked the other’s company. It was a rather comforting feeling being the center of one’s attention. But she hated how used she’s gotten to all of it. Like, a normal routine. Every day she would just go along to whatever the brunette comes up with in that creative mind of hers. It’s annoying however, but brings some sort of happiness to her days. Well, just a little bit. Not that she's willing to admit that the brunette is the only one bringing joy in her dullness days. Nope. Not at all.  

Unfortunately, the poor taller got cut off from her thoughts. A whisper beside her right ear got her jumping straight up from her seat.

 “W-wha?!” She urgently yelled. Her eyes wandered for the culprit, and to her assumption, Chaeyoung’s brown orbs landed on eyes that resembled a cat. A very attractive cat staring up at her with smugness written all over her face. 

“You…” She trails, pointing warily. The brunette plays along, “Me? What about me?” 

There. Right there. Chaeyoung spotted that conceited smirk of hers on display whenever she would start teasing her.

 “What brings you to my desk again, Jennie?” Chaeyoung ignored the way Jennie’s eyes seem to study her for a tad bit longer before looking past her replying,

“Nothing really, just ya know...appreciating art. A very beautiful one too.” She says, a hand on her chin. The blonde turns to her raising a brow. 

“What? The window behind me?” The taller pointed to the clear blue sky portrayed through the window. She assumed, judging, by the way, Jennie’s eyes darted to the window. 

“No.” Jennie leans in closer, the ends of her mouth perking up. Her head slightly bent down just enough for Chaeyoung to hear her next words. “I meant you, dummy.”

The bell rings in on time as the brunette casually steps away from Chaeyoung’s desk and walks to her own. While the blonde silently took in the complement and turned a shade of red from it, she was not aware of Jennie’s coy smile after leaving. 

Lately, Jennie had been getting aggressive with her flirtation. She would take an opportunity whenever the blonde is distracted, resulting in a very flustered chipmunk. Chaeyoung is, after all, very aloof to her surroundings. She's known the girl for quite some time to pick up her slight changes in behavior. And the brunette takes this to her advantage to mindlessly flirt with the blonde. It's in her nature, and you can't really blame her when it comes to her favorite person. 

At first, it was just a playful teasing without any meaning behind it. But, as she saw how the blonde was responding to it, she could not help herself. 

"She’s flirting again." Lisa, another blonde, whispered loudly across from Jisoo.

The other snickers."Tell me about it. That poor girl is getting teased everyday by this cat." Jisoo clicks her tongue, shaking her head at the brunette who sat herself beside her. 

Jennie turns to the two, smiling from ear to ear. Lisa gasped, "Oh God. She's worse than the joker himself." 

Jisoo breaks out into a fit of laughter, giving the blonde a slap on the shoulder. 

The brunette rolls her eyes at the couple. These two crackheads are unfortunately her friends since childhood and yeah, they aren't much but what can she do? Though, kidding aside, Jennie loves these two to death, like family she'll do just about anything for them if necessary. 

She then proceeds to sigh after settling down."The girl's oblivious to anything I do, flirting is the only chance I have." Jennie reasons, slumping her arms on her desk. She sighs, looking back at Chaeyoung who had, sadly, returned back to her usual laid back self. 

Jisoo wipes a tear off her eye. "Then why don't you just ask her out? I'm sure she'll consider it." Jennie is one of a kind, and catching her attention would be nearly impossible. And to think that she's the one initiating it first, you best keep her to yourself if you don't want to lose a whole valuable package in your hands.

The brunette wasn’t too sure about that. "I don't know ji. I want her to want me like I want her, a one sided love is not something I’m willing to go for." The petite brunette blew a breath and pouted in a dejected manner. She tried anything she could come up with just to make the blonde conscious of her feelings, but nothing absolutely worked. Chaeyoung is as dense as a rock. 

Her two best friends gave a meek smile, knowing that this is Jennie’s first ever attempt at loving someone romantically. So, it was naturally they were worried for her. But seeing her determination, they of course cheered for her by the sidelines. They weren't gonna interrupt something so important for their friend just because they think the candidate isn't suitable enough.

As Jennie’s childhood friends, they've known of Jennie’s preferences, though Chaeyoung wasn't exactly what they had in mind when Jennie told them about it. The two accepted the girl's judgment and didn't pry any further. They trusted their friend's eye for character and learned to see Chaeyoung in a better light. And they were right to wait and watch from afar. The two opposites looked good together somewhat.

Noticing that the atmosphere seemed rather down, Jisoo tried to lighten up the mood.

"Though, I still can't believe that Jennie is actually pursuing someone, usually it's the other way around but how the turn tables." She commented, cringing at her own joke. She was met with silence after.

Lisa looks at her girlfriend with a straight face clearly saying 'you're not making it any better' and nudged the girl . Jisoo zipped her mouth and said no more because, clearly, she wasn't needed. Lisa then approached the brunette, making sure to reassure her.

“Cheer up kitten. It’s not the end of the world, I’m sure she’ll come around someday.” Lisa pats Jennie on the head.

Jennie smiles curtly, "I hope so."

Lunch soon came and Jennie took this chance to earnestly look for the blonde by the window. She grabbed her lunch from her bag and took light steps heading to the opposite end of the classroom. 

"Chae!" She eagerly shouts. 

The said girl flinched from the voice, swiftly twirling her head to meet cat eyes shimmering in excitement as she made her way in front of her desk. 

Chaeyoung looks up to Jennie, studying the girl for a bit. Her eyes then lowers to the lunch attached to Jennie’s left hand. Before the taller one could ask, Jennie beat her to it. 

"Wanna eat lunch?"

And as usual Chaeyoung shrugs indicating that she's welcome to have lunch with her as she pleases.

With a slight nod, Jennie brings a chair placing it across from Chaeyoung.

"Let's eat then."

But maybe you're not as oblivious as I thought you would be.

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