Chapter 959

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Gabby's POV: After eating up, I smiled as I sat on the couch waiting for Matt to join me. Regardless of what his mom said...I was going to cuddle up to him and have his arm around me. Walking over to me, Matt smiled as he went to grab the covers. "My mom already knows that we are going to sit like this. She's okay with it because she's holding Matteo." We then both turned to look at his mom who was currently sitting in the recliner with Matteo in her arms.

I then felt Matt get on the couch with me. Moving to wrap his arm around me, Matt smiled as he kissed my forehead softly. "Only 5 hours until it's his first Christmas." I smiled at the thought and nodded as I put my hand on his chest. Matt then moved his hand to my arm while setting his beer down on the coffee table. Rubbing my arm as he held me, I smiled as we just sat there in silence. "Sucks we don't have a fireplace in here. This would be the perfect background noise."

Matt chuckled when she said that before turning to look at his mom when she spoke up. "By the way, what happened to your old apartment? I think that one had a fireplace in it." Matt nodded. "It did. But, it burned on due to arson." I was glad he left out the fact that it was my dad who burned our house down because that was something I really didn't want his mom to know. I mean, what would she think about that. Would she not be happy we're married?

I think Matt could tell my mind was going to a bad place when he mentioned that because right after mentioning it, I felt him wrap his arm around me tighter and move his hand to my leg. Rubbing it, he then kissed my forehead before whispering to me. "Gabby, relax. My mom is happy for us. She already knows about our problems with your dad." Nancy nodded and sighed. "It's horrible when a father can't be happy for their own daughter. I'm sorry about that Gabby."

I nodded and smiled at Matt. "First Christmas since I sent him to prison." Matt then sighed. "Gabby, don't blame yourself for that. It's his fault that he's in prison. He tried to kill me." I nodded and then rubbed his chest. "Sorry, just a hard subject to talk about." Matt agreed and smiled when I said that before rubbing my arm. "You let me know when you're tired okay? If you need to go to bed...I'll join you after I make the bed for my mom."

I nodded and smiled when I heard Matt's mom ask us a question. "You guys always fall asleep together even if you aren't tired?" I smiled and nodded. "We normally head to bed once one of us start getting tired for that reason. Then, we just talk or relax until we fall asleep in each other's arms. It's actually quite relaxing and makes me feel safe. When I was in Puerto Rico...the homes were easy to break into but, I feel much safer in Matt's arms."

I then felt Matt get a bit tense because that must've scared him. "Did that ever happen?" I looked at him and sighed. "Once." Matt then glared at me. "Did it happen during that time between when your first left and the divorce?" I bit my lip and sighed. "Gabby! Regardless of what I thought about you going down there, I deserved to know that. I'm your husband." I nodded and sighed. "I wasn't there at the time. I was out working in the field." Matt sighed.

"Regardless, what if something valuable got stolen? Like your passport? I would have to get the state department to send you one. They have to contact me if you want a replacement to protect you against fraud." I nodded and understood. "Sorry." Matt then went to kiss my forehead. "Just be glad that I am too happy to be mad at you for that. I mean, I am living my dream life right now and it's all because of you." I smiled when he said that. 

Matt then put his feet up on the coffee table and I did the same in between is legs. Matt liked when I did that because it gave him and opportunity to put his hand on my leg and stroke them with his thumb. "Hey, just curious...we sleeping in tomorrow morning since we already exchanged gifts?" Matt turned to look at me and nodded. "Unless your mom would rather do something else?" Me and Matt then turned our heads to look at his mom.

Matt's mom smiled. "I guess we could open gifts now and sleep in tomorrow." Matt shook his head. "No, let's let Matteo experience Christmas morning this year. That was one of the reasons we came back home, because we wanted Matteo to experience his first Christmas here at the apartment rather than at our friends' cabin." I nodded and understood as I felt him rub my leg. I then moved to kiss his forehead as I sat in his lip.

Matt smiled when I did that before whispering to me. "I forgot to get something for my mom though because I didn't expect her to come. What do I say?" I then decided to be the one to break the bad news. "Uhm Nancy, I just want to let you know that the only one opening gifts tomorrow is Matteo. We forgot to buy you anything for Christmas because we hadn't expected you to come if that's okay? I'm so sorry."

Nancy then looked at Matt. "Matt, you could've told me that. I would've appreciated the honesty. And really, I didn't expect anything. Just being able to meet my grandson is a good enough gift." Matt smiled when she said that. "I promise, we'll come visit for your birthday and I'll make it up to you." Nancy nodded and smiled. "That would be nice, us getting together for my birthday." I laughed and smiled when I started to see Matteo get tired.

He had his eyes clothes as he cuddled up to his grandmother. "I think that's Matteo's way of telling us that he wants to go to sleep. His eyes are starting to shut." Matt then noticed that too and sighed. "Mom, I think that might be our call for the night. Gabby, think you can bring him to bed and get him ready? I am just going to make the bed out here for my mom then I'll come join you in the bedroom. You're okay with us going to relax right mom?"

Nancy then smiled when he asked. "Of course. Just let me say goodnight to Gabby and Matteo then you can make my bed." Matt agreed and smiled as I got up. I then walked over to Nancy and smiled as I saw her kiss Matteo's forehead before giving me a hug. "Goodnight Gabby, see you in the morning." I then smiled as I looked at Matt. Putting my hand on his chest as I walked by him, I watched as he moved to kiss Matteo's forehead. "Night buddy."

I then went to rub his cheek. "See you in the bedroom." Matt nodded and smiled as he watched me walk away before going to take out the pullout couch for his mom.

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