Chapter 985

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Meanwhile, at Chicago PD's 21st District - Intelligence Unit

Jay's POV: As I walk up the steps to the Intelligence Unit, I sigh because this is not really where I want to be this Christmas. I want to be at home with Erin but instead, I am here to get Voight of the District and home. I got a call from Trudy that she heard he was here and thought maybe me and Erin could get him to go home. Of course Erin couldn't say no to doing that for Trudy (and Voight) so, she said she would. However, I was not letting her come in since she's pregnant. So, here I am coming to get my father-in-law home so that I can celebrate Christmas.

Walking up to his office, I see him working on the computer and checking his e-mails. Knocking on the door, I lean against the door frame to his office and just glare at him when he turned to look at me. "Jay." I looked at him and sighed. "You really think that Trudy wasn't going to tell Erin that you are here today? Hank, it's Christmas. I get you are bored at home and can't come in on a regular basis because of COVID need to go home. Take a day off dad."

He sighed and looked at me. "And what exactly are you doing out of the house?" I looked at him. "It was either me or Erin was going to come do this." He looked at me and nodded. "Better you than her considering she's pregnant." I nodded and agreed. "Exactly what I said. She argued until the last minute thought. I literally had to jump in my truck and leave her in the snow just so that she wouldn't come." Hank didn't like that. "Seriously Jay?"

I sighed. "She and the baby can recover from a cold. What they may not be able to recover from is COVID. Sorry but, I would rather she be stuck in the snow and get a cold than have her come in and get COVID which in turn kill me if something bad happened to either her or the baby." He agreed and understood what I was saying. "Good point. Just don't know how you are going to get back in bed with her when she's mad at you."

I smiled at him. "Getting you home where you are supposed to be today is probably something that she will appreciate. So, how about you finish whatever you are doing and then tomorrow, you can come in a bit later. Hank, you may not like Christmas because you don't have a family to celebrate it with this year but...think about next year. Don't you want to be around for Olivia's first Christmas?" He looked at me and nodded, sighing.

"Then Hank, if you don't want to do this for me...then do it for your granddaughter. She's going to want to meet her grandfather. And her grandfather needs to be alive for her to be able to do that. You are in a high risk category and we can't risk loosing you. I am not ready to take over this job yet and neither is Erin. And I am not too sure about whether Antonio would willingly give up the job if you aren't here to command him to. So, we need you Hank."

He agreed and smiled. "Fine, I'm going home. Unless of course I can come over?" I sighed. "One condition, we're going to the hospital so you can get a rapid test. If that test says you are negative for COVID, I will let you into the house so you can spend Christmas with us. However, if it's are going straight home and quarantining! Sorry, I know that was wrong you being my superior but, I care for you. You're the closest thing me and Erin have to a parent."

Hank then thought about what I said and nodded. "You consider me your father?" I nodded. "My dad is dead, it's just me and my brother in this world. So, my family is just starting to get bigger with my new nephew and now, you. So please Hank, come with me...let's get you tested and if it's negative then, I will bring you home to spend time with Erin. That a good deal?" Hank then got up and went to grab his jacket. "I will never say no to possibly spending time with Erin."

I chuckled when he said that. "Can I tell you a secret?" He looked at me and nodded. "I would never say no to possibly spending time with her either." He laughed and smiled. "God, look at what she's done to you. What happened to the tough, non-emotional army ranger that I hired to be one of the best damn intelligence officers I've ever had in my unit." I nodded and smiled. "I fell in love...." He then interrupted me. "With my daughter."

I nodded. "I fell in love with your daughter, married her and now, we're having a baby." Hank chuckled. "I think you the order wrong. You got her pregnant first." I nodded and smiled. "Hank, you do realize that...." I decided to shut up because I knew it wasn't the time to bring that topic up. Hank then looked at me. "Something wrong Halstead?" I sighed and looked at him. "It's not the time to bring it up. Nor is it the time of year to bring it up."

He was still confused and pushed me to tell him. "Jay, tell me." I sighed. "Only if you promise not to freak out at me..." He nodded. I then sighed. "Justin did the same thing as me. He got Olive pregnant and then married her." Hank sighed and understood why I didn't want to say it. "I understand why you were hesitant. And that's very true so I apologize." I nodded and smiled. "Hank, let's go okay? We'll get you tested and then you'll come home with me."

Hank nodded and smiled as he got up and grabbed his jacket. He then walked up to me and wrapped his arm around me. However, I moved away. "Sorry Hank, just doing what I promised you. Need to keep Erin and the baby healthy remember?" He nodded and agreed. "God, why must you be so perfect for Erin?" I laughed and smiled whenever he said that, walking out with my father-in-law so that we could get him tested and (hopefully) bring him home to spend Christmas with us.

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 2Where stories live. Discover now