Chapter 956

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Gabby's POV: After making my way to me and Matt's bedroom, I laid down for a bit and got comfortable. I was thinking about calling Antonio right away when I realized that maybe I needed this more than I originally expected. My back has been hurting since we left the cabin and now I know why, I needed to lay down in our bed again. Taking a few minutes to relax, I finally got my phone out and moved to call my brother so that I could tell him that we are home safe and sound. I just hoped he wasn't working.

That's when my brother picked up. "Hey sis, you guys home safe?" I smiled when he asked. "That's exactly why I'm calling. I was going to let you know that. I know you've probably been worried since you heard that we left." Antonio sighed. "I'm always going to worry about you. That is never going to change." I chuckled and smiled. "Just remember that I do have a husband to protect me." He agreed. "How's Sylvie taking being back home?" He chuckled. "She's happy. She's in bed because her back hurts."

I chuckled and understood what she was feeling. "Carrying that extra weight does it to your back. I am still getting over it. I'm only now starting to feel my spine realign itself. However, my stress level was still elevated today. Matt's mom is here." Antonio then got worried. "Shit, that's a surprise." I smiled. "It was nice to see her though. Matt hasn't seen her in a while and she needed to meet Matteo. Now, before you ask...she's already been tested and she's negative."

Antonio let out a sigh of relief. "Good, that's something I was already thinking right when you mentioned that she was there. Having gone through the experience of having kids with COVID...I don't wish it on you at all." He just shut up because he didn't want me to think about the worst case scenario however, it was always in the back of my mind. "She understands what it's like to have a kid with COVID too. Matt's sister and niece had COVID."

Antonio understood and remembered because we've mentioned it before. "So, rumors around that you guys are going back in the New Year?" I sighed. "How did you hear that?" He chuckled. "Sylvie." I sighed. "We are going back in March at the earliest. I am not comfortable going back until Matteo is at least 6 months old. Matt's going to stay home with me too because I don't want to bring this home. However, I am going to go back to work at the worst time possible."

Antonio was confused when I said that. "What do you mean?" I sighed. "Apparently, last year...people really let their guards down when the weather got nicer. So, that scares me. And then we also need to think about daycares since we need to start it eventually." Antonio however was against that. "Gabby, I'm working from home until the pandemic is over. If you need someone to watch him, I will gladly take him. Need to practice having a baby again." I agreed and smiled when he said that. "When you starting the nursery?"

Antonio sighed when I asked him that. "That's what I need to talk to Matt about...I want his help but, I know you aren't going to be comfortable with it considering the pandemic. However, I would like it if you wouldn't mind." I chuckled. "Antonio, I'll be fine if he does it for you because I know how careful you are. However, your kids need to stay at Laura's while he's doing the nursery. I'm sorry...they may have learned their lesson but, I am not taking the risk."

Antonio sighed but understood. "I get it, you have your health to think about too. That's why I'm so shocked that you even let Matt's mom stay with you guys." I then decided to remind him about Nancy's negative test. "Once again Antonio, she's already tested negative. Believe me, I would've never let her into our home if she hadn't taken a test. That was not happening. Also, you need to take one before you fly. I just wish that was the policy when you crossed state lines."

Antonio thought about that and smiled. "That's a smart move however, it's against the constitution. All US residents have the right to live and travel between US states without being banned by the US government from doing so. Sorry, just had to get that out there." I agreed and smiled. "Hey, have you talked to Jay recently? I wanted to know how he's doing after his arrest." Antonio chuckled when I asked. "I'm pretty sure he's doing fine. Probably in bed with Erin right now." I laughed when he said that and nodded.

"They still at the cabin or they decide to go home too?" Antonio didn't know the answer to that question unfortunately. "I don't know. They probably stayed. I mean, his brother is there and everything." I agreed and smiled. "I plan on calling them tomorrow. I just hope I don't wake them up. Hey, what are you doing for supper?" Antonio was confused when I asked him that. "Why? We aren't getting together." I chuckled. "But we can do a video chat dinner if you want."

Antonio liked the sound of that. "That sounds perfect. However, would your mother-in-law be joining?" I bit my lip and decided that she would. "Antonio, of course she would. She's here. We are not going to ask her to sit in the living room alone while we eat in here." Antonio agreed. "It'd be nice to meet her. I don't care if she's a former convict, she's probably learned her lesson and must be a really nice woman." I sighed and decided to tell him.

"It was actually self defense. I am not going to go into details but, Matt's dad was abusive. That's why his mom killed him. Don't ask any more questions." Antonio was shocked when I said that. "Shit, that's scary. However, I think Matt mentioned it to me before. Makes me a lot more comfortable with giving him my blessing. I mean, he would never do that to you if he's watched his mom get abused by his father."

I agreed and smiled. "And the way he is with Matteo is just something so special. Sorry but their relationship is the best. If you could see him be a dad when nobody's's so adorable. But listen, you should probably get back to work. You're working tonight right?" He sighed. "I am just finishing up. Then, I have to make supper. You making the big Christmas meal?" I chuckled. "Nope, we are doing a Chinese meal for supper. I am just waiting for it to arrive." Antonio chuckled. "Maybe I should ask Sylvie if she wants to do that instead."

That's when I heard Sylvie in the background. I was obviously on speaker. "Ask me what?" I then decided to answer for him. "Whether you'd like to have Chinese as your Christmas meal. It's what me and Matt are doing tonight with his mom." Sylvie chuckled. "Antonio, you talk to your sister okay? I'll go make the order." I then heard her leave a kiss on his cheek. She always made a noise when she did that because she wanted to tease him a bit.

However, it always made me laugh because of how cute they were as a couple. "Sylvie, make sure you get some rest okay? You did a bit of running while we were at the cabin and the baby needs rest." Sylvie groaned. "Gabby, please...I already have one Dawson all over me when it comes to resting. Please, I need to have someone who I can use as my punching bag."

I chuckled. "Of course sis." Sylvie liked it when I said that. "Can't wait for that. However, we are going to have a real wedding. Unlike Antonio, I've never been married. You better give me the full deal." I then heard Antonio sigh. "We'll talk about that. Remember, we need to save more money...." I then decided to interrupt because this wasn't something I needed to listen to them talk about. "Guys, this is something you can talk about alone okay? Not with me." They both agreed. "Sure thing Gabby, sorry. You have a good night with Matt's mom sis."

I agreed and smiled. "Thanks Antonio. Have a good night. Call you in the morning to say Merry Christmas." Antonio then vetoed that proposition. "No thanks, we're sleeping in." I agreed. "Okay then. Well, you guys have a good night." I then moved to hang up my phone and put it on my side table. I then proceeded to tug the covers up as I rested there for a bit. However, I ended up falling asleep after a while since I've been tired all day.

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