Chapter 965

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Meanwhile, at the Firehouse
Jay's POV: As I worked with Severide to set up a table, I saw him looking at Erin as she was working on setting up some stations. "How far along is she anyways?" I smiled as I turned to look at her and remembered how lucky I was. "She's half-way. Daughter's due in May." Severide smiled. "I'm happy for you guys. We've been friends for years and hooked up a few times but, I can see she's happy with you Jay." I turned to look at him and was shocked. "Define hooked up."

Severide was about to talk when Erin walked over. "Babe, that was 4 years ago. We weren't dating and you were banned from dating me. So, hush up. And last time I checked...I was pregnant with your kid." Severide just glared at us and could tell Erin was in a bad mood. "What's wrong Lindsay, someone get a bad gift from their husband?" I looked at him and then laughed. "If you talk a real diamond wedding band a bad gift, then yes." Erin then smiled.

Severide was shocked. "Let me guess, you used some that were provided to you at the courthouse?" Erin nodded. "How would you know?" Severide chuckled. "I've been married before. Vegas wedding." Erin was shocked but not really surprised. Severide did stupid things like this all the time. However, he was a great firefighter and we couldn't deny the fact that he saved lives everyday. "By the way, aren't you supposed to be off shift today?" Severide sighed.

"Yes but, I would rather volunteer than sit around the house alone. Stella is with her parents but, they don't like me. And my dad is stuck who knows where." Erin nodded, knowing his dad. "And of course, can't hang out with Matt because we need to protect Matteo." That's when we heard Matt and Gabby walk over. "Yes, we do. But...he's with my mom right now which means we can hang out while we volunteer here at the soup kitchen." I turned to look at him and smiled.

Matt smiled back before going to shake my hand. "Surprised to see you guys here. Merry Christmas by the way." Erin then went to hug Gabby. "Did Matteo like his gifts from Santa this morning?" Gabby chuckled and smiled. "Yes, he did." Severide then glared at Matt. "So, they can hug you?" Matt sighed. "We all just got tested because we went to his family's cabin for a night. Remember, the George Floyd drama." Jay sighed. "Can we not talk about that?" He then walked away, obviously frustrated about something.

Erin's POV: I sighed as she looked at Matt and Gabby. "He's suspended until the new year for what he did. Apparently, it's not in the CPD's interest to have someone working right after they get bad press coverage even though he saved someone's life." Matt nodded and agreed. Erin then smiled. "I'm going to go talk to him okay? Try and make him feel better. You guys serving food?" Gabby nodded and agreed. "Just need to talk to Chief Boden." I nodded before walking away to go talk to Jay.

Walking into the firehouse, I saw him standing in the kitchen getting more bowls. That's when I saw a firefighter with him. "Uhm..." Turning around to look at me, he knew that I didn't know his name. "Pete." I nodded and sighed. "Sorry, first time volunteering here." He nodded and agreed. "Pete, do you mind if I talk to my husband? Maybe you can go say hi to Matt and Gabby who just got here?" He nodded and smiled. "Haven't seen them in ages." He then left and walked away.

I then looked at Jay and sighed. "What was that out there?" Jay then turned to look at me and sighed. "The frustration about the suspension is still bugging me. At the same time, I feel like I'm ruining our first Christmas as husband and wife." I understood where he was coming from before walking over to him. "Jay, relax okay? I understand your frustration because I'm frustrated too. You should've never been suspended for what you did."

Jay nodded and agreed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I then moved my hands to his arms as we held each other. "Jay, just relax and try and enjoy our first Christmas as a married couple. Oh, and our last before this little one arrives." Jay smiled when I said that before moving his hands to my stomach. "Can't wait." He then stroke my stomach with his thumb before kissing me. "Tonight, I want to take you into my arms and just relax together in bed."

I agreed and smiled. "I love that idea. But right now, let's concentrate on serving the public." Jay nodded and was about to kiss me when we heard someone behind us. "Okay, enough with the lovey dovey stuff. I'm the Captain here and I say go get to work if you're here to help." Jay then looked at him. "Hermann right?" He nodded and smiled. "Yes." He chuckled. "Then I've met your daughter before." He was confused and scared when I said that. "How do you know Annabelle?"

Jay then smiled. "I went for Career day on behalf of my sister-in-law once. My nephew is Owen Manning-Halstead." Hermann nodded and smiled. "Okay, that makes sense. Listen, you guys here to help or are you here to have lunch?" Jay then smiled. "We're here to help. Where do you need us?" Hermann then smiled. "You can start another batch of soup. I think we're going to get a lot of people since we're pretty much the only place you can come and eat as a family."

That's when I heard somebody else join the conversation. It was Desk Sgt. Trudy Platt. "Yes, and Molly's is sponsoring it. Actually, here is some more of the food which just came in after another other you forgot to cancel. We can use it here at the meal." Hermann sighed and then went to grab it. "Thanks Trudy. Mouch is in the locker room getting dressed after his shower." Platt nodded and smiled. "I'm going to talk to my co-workers first. Be right in." 

Hermann then nodded and went inside with the food while I turned to look at Trudy. "How can we help you this morning Sergeant?" 

One Chicago: First Christmas Season 2Where stories live. Discover now